A Message To The Church In Pergamos Series
Contributed by Larry Grant on Dec 5, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus writes this letter to call the Christians at Pergamos back to the right path. Even today, there is the danger that the Church of Christ might hold the right doctrines, but still drift into compromise with the world around us.
Revelation 2:12-17
December 4, 2022
The city of Pergamos (also Pergamon or Pergamum) was the capital city of Asia Minor. It was renowned for its political power, its intellectual achievement and its pagan worship. Lady Sharon and I visited the ruins of Pergamos in modern day Turkey and there are two areas that caused it to stand out from the rest of the ruins of the Seven Churches. First, there were the remnants of what was said to be a 200,000 volume library, second only at the time, to the library in Cairo Egypt. And then there were the magnificent ruins of its pagan temples. There was a temple to Aesculapeus, the god of healing and medicine. It has an image of a snake wrapping around a rod. In modern times, the pagan symbol of the snake and rod is the predominant symbol for medicine and health care all over the world. There was another temple in Pergamos devoted to the worship of Caesar as if he were the Son of God. On the hill outside the city there was a massive altar dedicated to Zeus, the most powerful of their fake gods. This altar was one hundred feet square and forty feet tall. It is to the Christian congregation in this city that Jesus addresses this letter. They were a church in desperate need of a word from the Lord. So, when Jesus comes to them, He comes as One having “the sharp sword with two edges.” This sword is a clear picture of the Word of God, Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
THE DANGER - As we study these verses, we are going to discover that this church was doctrinally pure; but they had drifted into compromise. Jesus writes this letter to call them back to the right path. Even today, there is the danger that the Church of Christ might hold the right doctrines, but still drift into compromise with the world around us. BUT Jesus says, “I know where you dwell” – I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! Jesus knew all about this church, where it was, what it was doing and what it was facing. He knew them intimately. We need to remember that He knows this church intimately too. He knows everything there is to know about them and He begins by telling them that He Knows Their Situation – “where Satan’s seat is… where Satan dwelleth” - This church operated right in the middle of Satan’s headquarters on earth. Regardless of what some people think, the Bible teaches that Satan is not in Hell, he is here on earth. He dreads hell more than any lost man ever has and when he is sent to Hell, according to Revelation 20:10 it will be his eternal damnation. Jesus knows where you live. He knows it’s a tough place. He knows the pressures society places on the dedicated child of God. He knows, He cares, and He will help you, Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Their stand for Jesus had been costly. Even when this church was undergoing severe persecution, they stood for the Lord and for His Word. Jesus mentions a man by the name of Antipas. He is called a “faithful martyr.” History tells us that Antipas refused to offer the incense and say, “Caesar is god.” Because of his refusal to worship Caesar, Antipas was placed inside of a brass bull. A fire was built under the bull and Antipas was roasted to death. In spite of this, the Christians in Pergamos held fast to their witness.
THE DOCTRINE - They “held fast to His name.” This church was not ashamed of the name of Jesus. His name is the most divisive name in history, yet His name is the only name “whereby men must be saved,” Acts 4:12. There are some churches you can go to and you can sit through an entire service and never hear the name Jesus mentioned. We need to worship His name! We need to sing it, shout it, preach it and tell it! When folks come here, they ought to hear about Jesus! We are not here to promote the Baptists, not Briarchase, nor the Bishop of this house; we are here to exalt Jesus! We need to be in the business of lifting up the name of Jesus, John 12:32 “If I be lifted up, I’ll draw all mean unto Me!” Jesus said they have “not denied the faith.” This church was doctrinally pure. They held on to the fundamentals of the faith, and Jesus praised them for it. There are some non-negotiable truths in our faith. There is plenty of room for liberty in our service to the Lord. We don’t all have to live by the same opinions. Romans 14 teaches that some eat only vegetables and some will eat only meat; some are weak and some are strong; some worship on Saturday and some on Sunday! However, there are some things that are non-negotiable. This ancient church held fast to “the faith.” What is this faith? Jesus is the Son of the living God. He came to earth and gave Himself to be crucified for the sins of the world. He died on Calvary’s cross and was buried in a borrowed tomb. He rose again on the third day with all power in His hands! And if we place our trust in Him, we will be saved from eternal damnation. Even though they held fast to the name of Jesus, there was compromise in the church. This church has held onto pure doctrine with one hand and with the other, they have embraced the world. He tells them that some of their number, “hold the doctrine of Balaam”. Balaam is found in the Old Testament and he was a “preacher for hire.” He was motivated by greed and he was guilty of leading the people of God into immorality and idolatry. His story can be found in Numbers 22-25. In those verses, Balak, the king of Moab wanted to curse the nation of Israel, so he promised Balaam wealth and power to curse the nation. Four times Balaam tries to curse Israel, each time the Lord turns his curses into blessings. When he sees that his attempts to curse Israel have failed, Balaam suggests that since they can’t curse Israel, they should corrupt them. He convinced the men if Israel to marry the Moabite women which lead them into immorality and idol worship Numbers 25 & 31. The “doctrine of Balaam” is wickedness and worldliness. The church at Pergamos was tolerating people in their church who claimed to be Christians, but who lived like the world around them. It is no wonder that society has no respect for the church! It is no wonder that the world sees us as powerless. Some of us call ourselves Evangelicals and we live for ourselves and for our own power and wealth without regard for the clear commands of the Lord to serve others. Others there held “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans.” The word “Nicolaitans” is only found in the New Testament and it means “to conquer the people” and refers to a leadership class that had developed within the church, especially in the priesthood. It is about the leadership in the Pergamos elevating themselves above everyone else. Now, God has established certain offices within the church. This is not that! This is not about a Deacon behaving with the authority of a deacon, nor is it speaking of the Bishop or Elder behaving with the authority of a pastor. This is speaking of any teaching that suggests that one member, because of their giftedness, is any better than another member! This is speaking of any teaching that suggests that one member, because of their giving, is any better than another member! This is speaking of any teaching that suggests that one member, because of their tenure, is any better than another member! He tells them to, “repent” (to change their mind). Repentance is “a change of mind that results in a change of direction.”