Preach "The King Has Come" 3-Part Series this week!
Preach Christmas week


Summary: We look at the man of God as a teammember, and how he needs others to hold his rope.

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By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr.

Dear friends: Part#1 of 3 parts; Basketcases holders.


2 Corinthians 11:33 And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.

Matthew 10:42And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of COLD wateronly in the name of a disciple, very I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

Luke 9:41 And whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because you belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

I am again pondering? Perhaps, I should ponder to myself?

Yet, I love to launch people into thinking.

I do not intend on thinking for anyone else, you have a good mind.


Waste is poor stewardship, ponder and use your mind, you might be surprised how God enlightens those He loves.

I am pondering today when the minister is right?

What about the times the preacher has needs and cannot express them?

What about if the minister has a poor attitude or he is wrong?

Can this be?

And how you handle the minister?

What do you do when the minister is a basket case?

When everyone is after his skin on the ironing board?

What do we do when the preacher is a basket case?

In the church today, we seem to have forgotten that we teach and believe in a God called ministry?

But this does not mean we have perfect men/women of God?

Pastors should be God ordained and God appointed.

We need men behind the pulpit that have had the coals of the altar to burn their lips, and allow the Word to be spoken uncompromised?

Some people use their giving to try and influence the message?

Some times we have a desire to hear applause and trophies have great appeal, and the message is influenced by popular opinion.

Real men and women of God have a desire for the word of God and seek more and deeper and wiser revelations of the Word, for the Word of God does the Work of God.

I only know of one church that claims that their leader is infallible, incapable of error, perfect ministers?

The Catholic church teaches that the Pope, while seated in his little throne in the Vatican City, is infallible.

We say hog wash to that.

Ministers, pastors, evangelists, and teachers are imperfect works of clay, and thus can make mistakes and use poor judgment.

When a pastor is tired and his hands hang down, he is very capable of saying somethings, not exactly what he meant?

I have put Jonah on the ark, I knew better, it just came out wrong.

Ministers will never reach perfection here on earth?


Why do we not allow room and prayer for God’s men/women?

You and your prayer life can make the preacher a better man and a better preacher.

Walk a mile in his shoes?

Ask God for a heart for God’s man.

Our text today comes from 2 Corinthians 11:33 ... And though a WINDOW IN A BASKET WAS LET DOWN BY THE WALL, AND ESCAPED HIS HANDS:

Jewish history records Paul was a little short man but very heavy, and those that became a support structure for Paul in the basket had a "BIG JOB."

Now some of you think holding the preachers basket is a little job.

Well, I don’t want you on my football team, that lineman must know, ...

if the quarterback advances the ball, he needs some blockers in front of him?

There were assembled a group of people that didn’t like the message of the messenger and decided to stop the message.

God had someone to hide this little fat preacher and stand for him, and become a team member and advance the cross.

What kind of basket was Paul going to ride?

Why are not the names of the basket holders listed?

That was not what the Holy Spirit thought was important, but rather the ministry of basket holding?

Have you ever held the rope for a minister that was facing hostility?

I, as the minister, am not important, it is my office, my office demands respect?

I think there is a "LOST MINISTRY" in the church today, that is "BASKET HOLDERS"

In Exodus 17, we see the office of basket holder at work.

A man named HUR, (why didn’t his mom name him HIM,) not HUR?

Hur was on top of a hill.

Praise God, I love hilltop experiences.

Victory was there, victory was all around.

But the "FALLIBLE MAN OF GOD" was tired and his arms fell down.

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