
Summary: Bottomline: Joy flourishes when we treasure knowing Christ above all else.

Over the past several weeks we’ve been working our way through Paul’s letter to the Philippians and we’ve discovered how joy isn’t something that simply happens to us. It’s a deliberate response to the realities of who Christ is and what He’s done in our lives.

We've explored how joy can flourish in our lives in many different ways. Joy flourishes when we share in God’s mission together. Joy flourishes when Christ is exalted even in hardship. Joy flourishes when we embrace Christlike humility. And joy flourishes when we obey God with faithfulness and serve others in love.

But now, as we come to Week 5, I want to ask you something: What is the one thing you treasure most in life?

For many of us, the things we treasure are often tied to our accomplishments, relationships, or experiences — things that bring us a sense of fulfillment or happiness. For example, I remember hearing the story of a man who had spent years saving up for the perfect car. He dreamt of it for years, and finally, after many sacrifices, he drove it off the lot. To him, this was the culmination of years of hard work and discipline. It was everything he imagined it to be. But within six months of owning the car, he realized something: it didn’t bring the lasting joy he had imagined. The thrill of the new car wore off, and in its place was that same gnawing emptiness in his life.

It’s easy to see how we place our joy in things that fade. Whether it’s a possession, a position, or a place we hope to be in life, there’s always something new that promises fulfillment. But true, lasting joy doesn’t come from what we acquire or achieve. It’s not about our next big thing or our highest achievement. True and lasting joy comes from something far more secure — It comes from truly knowing Christ – it comes from placing our hope and our trust in Christ, and in Him alone.

This is the challenge Paul presents to us in Philippians 3. He shows us that the only thing worthy of being the highest treasure in our lives is Christ Himself. Everything else pales in comparison to knowing Him. And when Christ becomes our greatest treasure, joy flourishes in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.

Here’s the core truth from this passage today: joy flourishes when we treasure knowing Christ above all else. This truth transforms the way we live, it anchors our joy, and it frees us from the things that so often steal our attention and affection. So, I want to challenge you this morning, as we unpack this text: reflect on that question — “What do you treasure most?” Because what you treasure most will shape where you seek joy — and only Christ can give the joy that truly lasts.

Let’s turn our attention to our key text for today: Philippians 3:1-11. Verse 1 opens with a challenge for us all to …

I. Rejoice in the Lord: Anchor Your Joy in Christ (vs. 1)

Paul begins this passage with a powerful and familiar exhortation: "Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you."

This isn’t just a passing encouragement — it’s a command. Paul doesn’t say, “Rejoice when life is going well” or “Rejoice when you feel like it.” He simply says, “Rejoice in the Lord.” No qualifiers. No exceptions.

It reminds me of Paul’s words to the Thessalonians: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Joy in Christ isn’t optional. It’s essential.

And what makes this command even more striking is Paul’s situation. He’s writing from prison, facing uncertainty, opposition, hardship, and suffering. Yet, his words aren’t filled with self-pity or despair. Instead, he urges believers to rejoice — not in their circumstances, not in their accomplishments, not in fleeting pleasures, but in the unshakable reality of Christ.

Choose Joy in Christ! This is a deliberate decision, not a passive emotion. Paul isn’t calling us to chase a feeling but to anchor our hearts in a truth that transcends our experiences. Joy in Christ is rooted in who He is and what He has done for us. That’s why Paul keeps repeating this theme throughout Philippians — because he knows how easy it is for us to tie our joy to temporary things: our success, our comfort, our circumstances.

But here’s the problem — if our joy is attached to things that shift and fade, then our joy will be unstable at best and non-existent at worst.

Paul’s call to rejoice in the Lord is a call to stability. He’s telling us that when our joy is in Christ, we won’t be tossed around by life’s highs and lows. We won’t be easily discouraged, easily swayed, or easily shaken. Because Christ is constant. He is unchanging. He is the firm foundation of our lives. And when we fix our joy in Him, we become spiritually grounded in Him.

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