Philippians: Defiant Joy
Contributed by Seth Lawson on Feb 11, 2025 (message contributor)
1. 01 Joy In Partnership
Contributed on Feb 11, 2025
Bottom Line: Joy flourishes when we share in God’s mission together.
Happy New Year! I’m so thankful that you’ve joined us in worship today! Let me guess — some of us probably made a resolution or two, did some self-evaluation, and set a few goals for the upcoming year. That’s something most of us do, and let me just say it’s a good thing. It’s important to take a ...read more
2. 02 Joy In Adversity
Contributed on Feb 17, 2025
Bottom Line: Joy flourishes when Christ is exalted, even in the face of hardship.
Last week, we began a new series through Paul’s letter to the Church at Philippi. The Book of Philippians shows what it means to live with defiant joy. And here’s what I mean by that: “defiant joy” is a joy that stands firm regardless of what life throws our way. Even in his imprisonment, Paul ...read more
3. 03 Joy In Humility
Contributed on Feb 17, 2025
Bottomline: Joy flourishes when we embrace Christlike humility.
If you’ve ever heard about the life of Mother Teresa, you know her story is remarkable. She spent decades serving the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta, India, tending to people who had nothing—no money, no health, no hope. She didn’t live for comfort, recognition, or personal success. ...read more
4. 04 Joy In Obedience
Contributed on Feb 17, 2025
Bottomline: Joy flourishes when we obey God with faithfulness and serve others in love.
Defiant joy. It’s not a fleeting happiness tied to circumstances but a resilient, unshakable joy that thrives regardless of what life brings. That’s the kind of joy Paul writes about in his letter to the Philippians. Over the past three weeks, we’ve explored how this joy can flourish in our lives ...read more
5. 05 Joy In Knowing Christ
Contributed on Feb 17, 2025
Bottomline: Joy flourishes when we treasure knowing Christ above all else.
Over the past several weeks we’ve been working our way through Paul’s letter to the Philippians and we’ve discovered how joy isn’t something that simply happens to us. It’s a deliberate response to the realities of who Christ is and what He’s done in our lives. We've explored how joy can ...read more
6. 06 Joy In Pressing On
Contributed on Feb 19, 2025
Bottomline: Joy flourishes when we press on for heaven’s hope, not earthly glory.
We’ve been walking through Paul’s letter to the Philippians, exploring what it means to have defiant joy—a joy that flourishes regardless of circumstances because it is anchored in Christ. Each week, we’ve uncovered different aspects of this joy: Week 1: Joy flourishes when we share in God’s ...read more
7. 07 Joy In Peace
Contributed on Feb 27, 2025
Joy flourishes when we rest in God’s presence and experience His peace.
Have you ever watched video footage of a hurricane? The winds howl, rain pours in sheets, and everything in its path is shaken. But in the very center of the storm, there’s something incredible: the eye of the storm. While chaos swirls all around, the eye remains calm. The storm is still there. The ...read more
8. 08 Joy In Contentment
Contributed on Feb 27, 2025
Joy flourishes when we pursue contentment in Christ.
Throughout this series, we’ve explored how defiant joy flourishes in the life of a believer. This defiant joy is anchored in Christ and not swayed by circumstances. Each week, I’ve shared a core truth from each section of the book of Philippians, and I want to briefly remind you of those this ...read more