Sermon Series
  • 1. My Ear You Have Dug

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2019

    We have all seen the commercial, "Can You Hear Me Now?" This message addresses the fact that we all often get in an "unhearing" condition and that God will/wants to dig the dirt out of our spiritual ears.

    My Ear You Have Dug PPT 1 Series Title: Words PPT 2 Tongues of fire Speak life, don't injure with our words, last week we talked about the good confession which is standing up for the truth even if it brings pain. PPT 3 Can you Hear Me pic How many can relate to that picture? Have you ever more

  • 2. A Message From God: Get In The Car With God.

    Contributed on Mar 25, 2019

    When we get in a car with someone we enjoy all the benefits their car affords, even though we didn't buy it. If it has A/C we have A/C, if it has leather wrap around seats we get to enjoy them...

    Get In The Car With God PPT 1 Series Title: Words We have been for the most part speaking about our words this week we are going to look at a few of the words Jesus spoke. PPT 2 Message Title: A Message From God, Get in the car with God. As we begin let me just talk about the words of Jesus for a more

  • 3. The Good Confession

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2019

    I believe that we have entered what I am calling the age of antichrist. The social credit system active in China is the pattern the antichrist will institute around the world. This message is a challenge to be ready to confess your faith even if it costs you.

    The Good Confession PPT 1 Series title Last weeks message we asked who is igniting your tongue? PPT 2 tongue on fire PPT 3 apostles on fire Then we talked about the best of people can let their tongues get away from them, i.e. Peter. Jesus calls him satan for something he said, and Jesus said on more

  • 4. Who Is Igniting Your Words?

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2019

    Today we are beginning a new series on words, we will be discussing their impact, influence, propriety, effects and power. In today's message we will be asking the question of who is igniting your words? And challenge us to, like the Toby Mac song, "speak life."

    Who Is Igniting Your Words? PPT1 Series Title slide Today we are beginning a new series on words, we will be discussing their impact, influence, propriety, effects and power. In today's message we will be asking the question of who is igniting your words? And challenge us to, like the Toby Mac more

  • 5. Why Did You Receive That Lie Into Your Spirit ?

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2019

    Some people have a propensity to let bad things/words settle into their spirit. Be more resistant to negative words and more receptive to good or encouraging words. I include an experience I had with a demon possessed man.

    Why Did You Receive That Lie Into Your Spirit ? PPT 1 Series Title: Words This is the fifth week of our series on words, one more next week and we will wrap it up. (I think) We have talked about the fact that words can hurt or heal, we can injure with our words or we can build people up, last week more