Sermon Series
  • 1. How Many Loaves Do You Have?

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    A little is always a lot in the hands of the Lord.

    “How Many Loaves Do You Have?” Mark 6:38 Rev. Brian Bill 10/21/07 Pastor Dick, Pastor Jeff and I meet each Tuesday afternoon to pray and to plan. Normally we meet in the Fellowship Hall but this time I had us get together in the two-year-old room upstairs. We gathered more

  • 2. My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer?

    Contributed on Oct 28, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    It’s time to stop playing and start praying.

    “Has It Not Been Written: My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer?” Mark 11:17 Rev. Brian Bill 10/28/07 A preacher’s young daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day she asked him why. “Well, more

  • 3. Will The Son Of Man Find Faith

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    On this Intrernational Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, when Jesus comes, will He find faith on the earth?

    When the Son of Man Comes, Will He Find Faith on the Earth? Luke 18:8 Rev. Brian Bill 11/11/07 Today is Veteran’s Day. Could I ask those of you who have served our country to please stand? Some of you have a son or daughter or spouse or parent in the service right now. Could you please more

  • 4. Show Me The Coin

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    We owe the one who owns us.

    Show Me the Coin…Whose Portrait is This? And Whose Inscription? Matthew 22:20 Rev. Brian Bill 11/18/07 A little boy wanted $100 very badly and prayed to God for a whole week, but nothing happened so he decided to write Him a letter. When the Post Office received the letter addressed to God more