Sermon Series
  • 1. 24-12-1

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    First message in a series leading up to Easter to compliment the Passion movie - This message focuses on the unique purpose of the washing of the disciple’s feet.

    The Passion – 12 - 24 - 1 March 7, 2003 John 13:1-38 Sunday AM Context: Jesus has entered Jerusalem for the last time on the back of a donkey to the cheers and praise of the people – in the midst of the week he sends Peter and John (Luke 22) to make preparations for the Passover more

  • 2. Sealed With A Kiss

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Second sermon in a series leading up to Easter that focuses on the betrayal of Judas - It asks the key question - Are you sold out or a sell out?

    The Passion of Christ March 14, 2004 Sealed with a Kiss – Judas Sunday AM Text: Matthew 26:37-50 Intro: Judas – the mention of his name invokes thoughts of treachery and deceit. But it wasn’t always that way. In fact, Judas was once a popular name. Name: from Judah – meaning “Jehovah more

  • 3. Little Bo Pete

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    The third message in an Easter series looking at the life of Peter. In particular, how we struggle with some of the same issues he did because of our attidue of self-sufficiency.

    The Passion of Christ March 21, 2004 Little Bo Pete – Mt. 26:33-54 Sunday AM Intro: Little Bo Pete lost some sleep b/c he didn’t trust the Savior Got out of the boat, and almost did float instead he only got soaked Little Bo Pete lost some sleep b/c he didn’t hear the Savior Was there in more

  • 4. Kangaroo Court

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    The 4th message in a series leading up to Easter focusing on the people involved in the Passion of Christ. This message focuses upon Pilate and the six trials leading up to Jesus’ death.

    The Passion March 28, 2004 Kangaroo Court Sunday AM Intro: I’m a big fan of courtroom dramas. Whether it’s a Grisham book, Law and Order, Matlock, or JAG, my favorite part is always when the attorney is clever enough to be able to catch and expose the witness on the stand and bring more

  • 5. A Tale Of Three Crosses

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    The final message in a series leading up to Easter on the Passion of Christ. This meesage focuses on the difference between the three crosses.

    A Tale of Three Crosses April 11, 2004 The Passion - Luke 23:39-43 Sunday AM Intro: In reviewing the last hours of Jesus’ life, we often only see one cross dotting the Jerusalem skyline – but to the casual observer that day, the middle cross carried no special significance – just three men more