Sermon Series
  • 1. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2014

    Christmas is not about us, it is about Emmanuel, God with us. What sorts of preparations are you making this year? Are you preparing like the rest of the world, or are you preparing to welcome Christ?

    I hope you all had a wonderful and joy-filled Thanksgiving holiday. I know I certainly enjoyed time with my family. We did all the usual Thanksgiving stuff. We ate too much food, watched some football, played some games, and then ate too many leftovers. And then, the next day, we got up, ate too more

  • 2. Ave Maria

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2014

    In light of the Ave Maria (Hail Mary), this sermon explore the graces and blessedness embodied in Mary, and the implication of the same such grace and blessing in our own lives.

    Avé María, grátia pléna, Dóminus técum. Benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus. Sáncta María, Máter Déi, óra pro nóbis peccatóribus, nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae. Ámen. We are familiar with these words of “Ave Maria,” most likely because of Franz more

  • 3. Mary's Song Of Praise

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    As Mary sings her song of praise, we learn of the ways that the coming Messiah will "turn the world upside-down."

    “If you’re happy and you know it…” (Clap your hands!) “If you’re happy and you know it…” (Stomp your feet, shout “Amen!” etc.) We’re all familiar with that song, and certainly it conveys a lot of the ways that we express our joy when more

  • 4. Zechariah's Prophetic Poetry

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    This world is full of darkness and sadness, which is why we need Christmas. As Zechariah proclaims, Christmas is when God's light breaks into the world in Jesus Christ and sets the stage for a whole new world.

    You know, it’s been kind of a tough week, hasn’t it? Monday morning, the big news around the globe was a massive hostage situation in a coffee shop in Australia. By Monday evening, we were getting word that a man in Pennsylvania had shot and killed five people and was on the run. more

  • 5. The Angels' Chorus

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2014

    The angels share "good news" with the lowly shepherds near Bethlehem, and Christ's birth continues to be good news for all people everywhere!

    Perhaps some of you have seen that wonderful play, The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever. In the play, the appropriately named Herdman family, full of rowdy children, hi-jack a children’s Christmas pageant, taking all the choice roles by intimidation and force. Needless to say, those Herdman more

  • 6. Simeon's Song

    Contributed on Dec 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    As Mary & Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple, it provides an opportunity for the aged priest Simeon to further reveal the significance of the baby Jesus--the fulfillment of God's promises & our hopes & dreams, the source of rest & peace for our souls.

    As you all know, we have spent weeks building up to Christmas and our celebration of Christ’s birth. And such anticipation is appropriate, it takes much preparation to welcome a new baby…if there’s anyone who knows that right now, it’s me! But I do hope that our Advent time more