Sermon Series
  • 1. The Circle Maker 1: The Legend Of The Circle Maker

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2011
    based on 29 ratings

    A sermon about the power of prayer illustrated by a man drawing circles in the sand in faith.

    Introduction It was the first century BC and a devastating drought threatened to destroy a generation, the generation before Jesus. The last of the Jewish prophets had died off nearly four centuries before. Miracles were such a distant memory that they seemed like a false memory. And God was more

  • 2. The Circle Maker 2: Dream Big

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    What step of faith do you need to take? What decision do you need to make? On what promise do you need to put down a stake?

    Introduction Before the first raindrop fell, Honi had to feel a little foolish. Standing inside a circle and demanding rain is a risky proposition. Vowing that you won’t leave the circle until it rains is even riskier. Honi didn’t draw a semi-circle. He drew a complete circle. There more

  • 3. The Circle Maker 3: Pray Hard

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    The Bible is a promise book and a prayer book. And while reading is reactive, prayer is proactive. Reading is the way you get through the Bible. Prayer is the way you get the Bible through you.

    Introduction In standardized math tests, Japanese children consistently score higher than their American counterparts. While some assume that a natural proclivity toward mathematics is the primary difference, researchers have discovered that it may have more to do with effort than ability. In more

  • 4. The Circle Maker 4: Think Long

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2011
    based on 13 ratings

    We need to be willing to pray for as long as it takes. Pray that it will take long enough and be hard enough for God to receive all of the glory.

    Introduction On the Swedish Island of Visingso, there is a mysterious forest of oak trees; mysterious because oak trees aren’t indigenous to the island and its origin was unknown for more than a century. Then in 1980, the Swedish Navy received a letter from the Forestry Department more