Sermon Series
  • 1. Serving Like Jesus

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2024

    One of God's major objectives for us is to be conformed into the image of His Son and one of the primary ways God wants us to conform to the likeness of Jesus is in our service. Jesus came to serve and to give and so we must also serve and give.

    A. One day a weathy woman was interviewing a prospective butler and asked him, “Are you trained to serve guests?” 1. The prospective butler replied “Yes, ma’am, I have been trained to serve guests both ways.” 2. The woman looked puzzled and asked, “What do you mean both ways?” 3. The prospective more

  • 2. A Case For Selflessness In A Selfie World

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2024

    In order to be able to serve like Jesus served, we have to overcome our selfish and self-centered tendencies. With a desire to do so and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can become more selfless.

    Introduction: A. We are in a new sermon series that we started last week called “Serving Like Jesus.” 1. Last week, we explored the fact that God wants us to be conformed into the likeness of Jesus, and because Jesus was a servant, that is an important way that we must be like Him. B. Today, I more

  • 3. Portrait Of A Servant (Part 1)

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2024

    The eight Beatitudes of Matthew 5 provide a clear portrait of the spiritual characteristics of a servant. This sermon covers the first four of the beatitudes in the portrait of a servant.

    Introduction: A. Do you like to ask kids what they want to be when they grow up? I do. 1. Unlike the minion in the picture, I don’t ask them because I am still looking for ideas! 2. I like to ask them to see what is going on in their little heads. 3. This picture on the screen is a good more

  • 4. Portrait Of A Servant (Part 2)

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2024

    In the beatitudes, Jesus painted a portrait of a servant leaving us a clear picture of the heart attributes and actions that will enable us to be a servant like Jesus.

    Introduction: A. How many of you have been to an art museum? Most, if not all of us, right? 1. When you visit an art museum, do you run through the gallery, or should you walk slowly and thoughtfully? 2. To really appreciate art, you have to take your time and contemplate the more

  • 5. The Influence Of A Servant

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2024

    After Jesus painted the portrait of a servant in the beatitudes, He illustrated the influence of a servant in the properties of salt and light. The world needs us to be salt and light and we can be that through our service.

    Introduction: A. Let’s start with an interesting and poignant story. 1. One day Bill and Hillary Clinton were out for a drive while they were on vacation. 2. After driving along enjoying the beautiful countryside, they needed to stop for gas. 3. They pulled into a tiny gas station, and out walked more

  • 6. The Tools And Tactics Of A Servant

    Contributed on Sep 9, 2024

    People who serve like Jesus know that God has entrusted them with gifts, abilities and opportunities that must be used in service to God. To not use what God has entrusted to us will lead to God's displeasure.

    Introduction: A. Allow me to start this sermon with the story of a boy who other children called “Sparky” after a comic strip horse named Sparkplug. 1. Even though the boy hated the nickname, he could never shake it. 2. School was difficult for Sparky. a. He failed every subject in the 8th more

  • 7. The Rewards Of A Servant

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2024

    God knows that serving Him is not always easy or pleasant, so He encourages and motivates us to not give up by His promised rewards.

    A. Allow me to begin today’s sermon with two brief stories. 1. The first story is about a woman who lost her purse in the chaos of Christmas shopping. a. Her purse was found by an honest young boy who returned to her. b. When the woman looked into her purse to see if everything was there, she more

  • 8. Putting It All Together

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2024

    In this final sermon from the "Serving Like Jesus" sermon series, we review the important lessons from each of the sermons in order to try to put the whole series into practice, so that we can serve like Jesus.

    A. One day a professor, a preacher and a professional golfer went deer hunting together. 1. They were all novices, but wanted to try it. 2. They had been out all day and towards dusk they all spotted a 5 point buck at the same time. 3. They each took aim and all three fired a shot at the moving more