Sermon Series
  • 1. When You're The Problem: The Fallout Of A Self-Centered Existence

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    Our aim this morning is to sniff out the barnacles of pride inside of each us. Today’s Big Idea: Pride causes division; humility draws the gaze of God.

    Paul writes to the church at Corinth to help genuine believers solve their divisions. When you read today’s words from Paul to the church at Corinth, you need to prepare for the knife. Paul writes as one who is taking a scalpel in hand to perform surgery on the church he founded by the grace of more

  • 2. Show Me A Good Pastor

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    Today’s Big Idea: A pastor is a man who is sent by God to save people from hell to make them Christ-exalting, spiritual aliens in this world

    Adoniram Judson was a missionary to Burma (today it is Myanmar). His faithful wife Ann had followed her husband from prison to prison as he was arrested for sharing the Gospel. She had died from spotted fever and cerebral meningitis the year before (April 24, 1827). Her death had affected her more

  • 3. Why The Church Matters

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    Do you remember the story about The Three Little Pigs? The first little pig built his house out of straw. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. And the third little pig worked hard and labored diligently as he built his house out of brick.

    What would things look like if Satan really took control of a city? If Satan took over a city, all the bars would be closed, pornography banished, and the city streets would be pristine with people who smiled at one another. There would be no swearing. The children would say “Yes, sir” and “No, more

  • 4. The Danger Of Self-Deception: When Doubting Yourself Is Good

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    Human pride is rooted in two kinds of self-deception. One is the deception that I can handle my own problems. And the other is the deception that nobody can handle my problems.

    The New Testament compares the church to a bride and God to the bridegroom. All through our New Testaments we see a familiar image to help us understand and appreciate the significance of the church. Yet, there are dangers to the church. Real dangers that may cause the bride to run from the more

  • 5. Who Should Consider Leading?

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    Presumption says God’s timing or His knowledge is insufficient and I’ve got to do something to fix the problem. But there is another form of pride… DESPAIR. Despair says waiting on God is a fool’s wait. God will not fulfill His promises.

    “Jazzland”, a New Orleans-themed park, was built on acres of swamp-land outside of the city in 2000, was purchased by Six Flags and changed names in 2002. During Hurricane Katrina, Six Flags was completely flooded and an estimated 70-80% of the park was destroyed, leaving it much too expensive to more

  • 6. Conformity To The Cross

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2021

    The Corinthians Christians had become arrogant, crowing like a rooster. To use a Texas idiom, they had become “all hat and no cattle.” In the words of Glenn Campbell, “A Rhinestone Cowboy.”

    It’s a message from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and it represents a journey of sorts. A journey to an another land – and older land – where the goals of Christianity were not set by marketers in order to make it more palatable. Instead, the agenda was set by prophets who sought holy, more