Sermon Series
  • 1. There Is Therefore

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2024

    Condemnation and guilt often keep many believers in bondage to sin. Unbelief in God's word holds us out of our rest in God. We have died and Christ is now our life and we are forever free from condemnation.

    There is Therefore Through certain experiences in my life, I constantly felt guilty and therefore condemned myself. I felt inferior to others and I felt that there were perfect and able people who could be ministers of God. I was not good enough. The very word condemnation means you are written more

  • 2. The Law Of The Spirit Of Life.

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2024

    The first Adam was a human being subject to death, the last Adam a life-giving Spirit. The old is gone when we believe in Christ Jesus and His Spirit lives in us. The law of the Spirit of life empowers us to live Holy Lives

    The laws of a country override any other laws. When I did my military training many years ago, our instructor told us that we could break any camp laws but not get caught. In almost all situations we tried to break laws but did get caught. The military laws superseded our family laws. Going home more