Sermon Series
  • 1. The Blessings Of Revelation Part 2

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference whether you will decide to die for Christ daily.

    Sermon 2 in the series, “The Blessings of Revelation” Topic II "The Blessing of Deeds Done for Jesus Christ!" Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference whether you will decide to die for Christ daily. Text: Rev. 14:13 "Then I heard more

  • 2. Revd Up 1

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2018

    We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and revelation tells us to be ready at a moments notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and ready to meet Jesus!

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis for Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and revelation tells us to be ready at a moments notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and ready to meet Jesus! Scripture Text: more

  • 3. The Blessings Of Revelation Part 3

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Revelation paints a portrait for us of how Jesus knows about what transpires in His churches and He reminds us that he will bless those who stay faithful to Him.

    Sermon 3 – The Blessings of deeds done for Jesus Christ Thesis: Revelation paints a portrait for us of how Jesus knows about what transpires in His churches and He reminds us that he will bless those who stay faithful to Him. Introduction: A couple of weeks back we started our treasure hunt more

  • 4. The Blessing Of Revelation Part 4

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 21 ratings


    The Blessings of Revelation part 4 SERMON 4 -TOPIC III - THE BLESSING OF STAYING AWAKE FOR CHRIST! -- REV: 16:15 "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed." INTRODUCTION This more

  • 5. Blessing Of Revelation - Part 5

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Are you ready for Jesus to return?

    Sermon 5-- Topic III (continued) -- The Blessing of staying awake for Christ! (Rev. 16:15) Rev. 16:15 "Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed." My question to you New Life? Are you ready more

  • 6. Rev'd Part 2

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2018

    We read in the annuals of church history and the Bible of people who gave up their lives for the cause of Christ – to uphold his name even in the face of death. Jesus appears to John and sends 7 messages to His church telling them he sees.

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis for Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus! Scripture more

  • 7. Rev'd 3

    Contributed on Jan 26, 2018

    "There are Heavenly blessing for those who die in the Lord for Jesus Christ first it is eternal rest and second their deeds will follow them to Heaven."

    Series: Revelation Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference whether you will decide to die for Christ daily. Thesis for Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and more

  • 8. Rev'd Up Pt 4

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2018

    We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus! Let’s

    Series: Revelation Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference whether you will decide to die for Christ daily or literally for Him in the end. Key verse of Revelation: Text: Revelation 12:11: “They overcame him by the blood of the more

  • 9. Rev'd Up Part 5

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2018

    We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference in your faith journey. To many lose sight of Jesus and allow the false teachings of others to corrupt their hearts with Jesus.

    Series: Revelation Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily because it makes the difference whether you will decide to die for Christ daily or literally for Him in the end. Key verse of Revelation: Text: Revelation 12:11: “They overcame him by the blood of the more

  • 10. Rev'd Up Pt. 6

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2018

    Sardis receives a message from Jesus and he tells them they have a good reputation of being alive but in His eyes they are dead. So, they need to wake up!

    Series: Revelation Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily so we do not fall asleep at our assigned mission. It was also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile world even to the point of death. Key verse of Revelation: Text: Revelation 12:11: more

  • 11. Rev'd Up Pt. 7

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2018

    This little church is commended by the Holy and True One. They are going to be greatly rewarded in heaven for staying faithful and not denying his name when persecuted.

    Series: Rev’d Up – Book of Revelation Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily so we do not fall asleep at our assigned mission. We need to know He is coming back soon! Having a vision of Jesus will also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile more

  • 12. Rev'd Up Pt 8

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The last and final church addressed by Jesus is the lukewarm – naked – blind and deceived church of Laodicea. They thought they had it all and were right were God wanted them to be but He reveals how they have a distorted view of themselves and they actua

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ daily so we do not fall asleep at our assigned mission. We need to know He is coming back soon! Having a vision of Jesus will also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile world even to the more

  • 13. Rev'd Up Part 9

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We need to know He is coming back soon! Having a vision of Jesus will also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile world even to the point of death. But we also need to see God’s Throne in Heaven and see His glory, majesty.

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ every day so we do not fall asleep at our assigned mission. We need to know He is coming back soon! Having a vision of Jesus will also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile world even to the more

  • 14. Rev'd Up Pt. 11

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2018

    Chapter 6 of Revelation unveils Jesus the only found worthy to redeem mankind to God also the only one worthy to release the judgments upon evil in the end times. The message of this chapter to the church is to come to Jesus and lock arms with Him to figh

    Rev’d Up part 11 Thesis for series: We need to receive a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ every single day so we do not fall asleep at our assigned mission. We need to know He is coming back soon! Having a vision of Jesus will also give us the inner strength to stand for the Gospel in a hostile more

  • 15. Rev'd Up Pt. 12

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2018

    Chapter 7 of Revelation speaks of what is happening between the opening of the sixth seal and the seventh seal at the throne of God. There is a sealing or a marking of those who belong to God and there is a Great Multitude which appears before the Lamb –

    Opening for Message Rev'd Up pt. 12: Start with prayer on your knees to the Lord and have a time of silence before giving message. Then repeat the following prayers and declarations from Revelation: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” “You are more

  • 16. Rev'd Up Pt 13

    Contributed on May 20, 2018

    Revelation chapters 12 and 13 reveal the cosmic spiritual battle which has been raging through time, it’s the war between God the Father and Satan the Dragon, the scene here portrayed is a behind the scenes glimpse of the spiritual powers influencing worl

    Series Rev’d Up - Part 13 Thesis: Revelation chapters 12 and 13 reveal the cosmic spiritual battle which has been raging through time, it’s the war between God the Father and Satan the Dragon, the scene here portrayed is a behind the scenes glimpse of the spiritual powers influencing world more

  • 17. Rev'd Up Part 16

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2018

    We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus!

    Series: Rev’d Up 16 Thesis of Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus! Key more

  • 18. Rev'd Up Part 15

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2018

    We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus!

    Series: Rev’d Up Thesis of Series: We need to get Rev’d Up for Jesus’ Second Coming as we look at what is happening to our society and world. Many are saying the time is near and Revelation tells us to be ready at a moment’s notice. So, let’s get Rev’d up and be ready to meet Jesus! Key more