Sermon Series
  • 1. The Beatitudes

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    What does it mean to be happy? What does Jesus intend for us to do and be according to His Sermon on the Mount?

    This morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:1-12. If you do not have a Bible you can look inside your bulletin and the Scriptures are printed on the back of the insert. (ME) (INTRODUCTION) This morning we will begin a series of sermons focusing on the teaching of Christ found in the gospel more

  • 2. A Kingdom Of Influence

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2014

    As believers we are empowered and called to be people of influence. We are to be salt and light in this world

    We will be looking at Matthew 5:13-16 this morning. If you do not have a Bible please take out the insert in the bulletin and the Scriptures will be on it. (ME) I have several continual prayer requests. One of them is simply, “Lord, let me a person of influence to my family, my church more

  • 3. A Kingdom Of Righteous Sinners

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Grace or Law? What did Jesus do with the Law and what, if any, obligation do we have to it today?

    Good Morning! Today we will be looking at Matthew 5:17-20 as we continue our series RED: Teachings From the Words of Jesus. If you do not have a Bible you can look inside the Sunday Bulletin for the Scriptures. (ME) Shirt tags...mixed fabric...broke the law! (WE) “The biggest cop more

  • 4. A Kingdom Of Peace

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2014

    Anger! That insidious emotion that, if not submitted to Christ, can cause us much trouble. Jesus teaches us to be a person of peace in both our actions and our words.

    This morning we will be looking at Matthew 5:21-26 If you do not have a Bible the Scripture passage is printed on the back of the bulletin insert. (ME) I want to tell you a little story about myself. Several years ago we had enrolled our boys in a pre-school near our church offices in more

  • 5. A Kingdom Of Faithfulness

    Contributed on Feb 2, 2014

    Jesus taught about divorce. He called believers to a life of faithfulness. Unfortunately, sometimes faithfulness is abandoned and lives are destroyed. What is our response to those who experience the pain of divorce and unfaithfulness?

    Today we will be looking at Matthew 5:27-32. If you do not have a Bible with you the Scripture passages can be found on the bulletin insert. (ME) I have always been amazed at how plainly the Bible talks to us. Though inspired of God and full of deep content the Scriptures are relatively easy more

  • 6. A Kingdom Of Integrity

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Those who belong to the kingdom of God live with integrity. We are people whose yes means yes and our no means no. We keep our promises because we love Jesus Christ and serve as his ambassadors.

    We will be looking at Matthew 5:33-37 this morning The Scriptures are printed on the back of your bulletin insert (ME) ILLUSTRATION: A wealthy businessman was very sick almost to the point of death. As he lay in his hospital bed a preacher walked in to pray for him. The sick man told the more

  • 7. A Kingdom That Loves Its Enemies

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Love your enemies! Wow that is not such an easy command to obey. It is much easier to take revenge. But that is not what we are asked to do as believers. What is this loving my enemies all about?

    This morning we will be looking at Matthew 5: 38-48 as we continue our series called RED: Examining the Teaching of Christ (that are often printed in red letters). If you do not have a Bible you can find the Scriptures printed on the bulletin insert along with a place to take some notes if you more

  • 8. A Kingdom Of Righteousness

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014

    Humility or hypocritical? What is our attitude when we give? Jesus tells us that the act of giving is an act of righteousness. But we must always check our motive.

    We will be looking at Matthew 6 this morning as we continue in our series RED: Teachings From the Words of Christ. If you do not have a Bible this morning you can find the Scriptures printed on the insert inside your bulletin. (ME) WOW! We have covered a lot of ground in this sermon more

  • 9. A Kingdom Of Prayer

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014

    The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of prayer. Prayer that releases us to walk in freedom with Christ and with others. In the series RED we look at the teachings of Christ found in Matthew 5-7.

    This morning we will be continuing in our series RED: Teachings From the Words of Christ. Today we will be looking at Matthew 6:5-15 If you do not have a Bible the Scriptures have been printed on the insert located in your bulletin. (ME) The story of my first prayer - did not know how. But more

  • 10. A Kingdom Of Sacrifice

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of sacrifice. Fasting is a tool that helps us see and understand the brokenness of this world. But more it helps us to move to action and become repairer and restorers.

    Good morning! Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at Jesus’ teaching about giving and prayer. These are two of the three righteous actions Jesus tells His followers to observe as they live their lives. Today we are going to talk about the third righteous actions – more

  • 11. A Kingdom Of Security

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2014

    The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of security. We live in a world of turmoil and stress. The end result of living in this world is often worry. But Jesus tells us not to worry instead we pray.

    We are continuing in our series RED: Teachings From The Words of Christ. Today we will be looking at how Jesus teaches us that in His kingdom we have security and therefore do not need to worry. We are going to read Matthew 6:19-34. If you do not have a Bible you can look inside your bulletin more