Sermon Series
  • 1. Restoring The Value Of Worship

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The greatest and highest use of music and song, of our voices and our bodies, are to express to the God who has loved us and saved us, pure worship. This message is part of a series that explores how we can reach higher in worship

    A statement of our values of worship: We believe that God has blessed mankind with the gift of music and song, and that the highest use of this gift is to worship God. We believe that the church should be skilled, creative and enthusiastic in its use of music. We worship with contemporary songs more

  • 2. The Anatomy Of A Worshipper

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Our focus in these messages is to explore the exercise of worship. A book on my shelves is entitled …..’Worship is a verb’….and its title summarizes my aims. Worship is not a passive thing, it is an activity.

    Our focus in these messages is to explore the exercise of worship. A book on my shelves is entitled …..’Worship is a verb’….and its title summarizes my aims. Worship is not a passive thing, it is an activity. I want to use David as a guide to illustrate this truth. David was not only a more

  • 3. The Power Of Song

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    In society songs reflect everything. Both Lyrics and the style of the music combine to give voice to all kinds of emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, love, hate etc.. It’s the same in the scriptures there are songs of lament as well as songs of

    Because of the theme we are covering the fruit of these messages should be seen in our worship life as a community. Please do not be caught in the enthusiasm of a moment and forget the truths we are receiving and the changes to us those truths should be bringing. (We have covered: Restoring more

  • 4. Building An Altar Of Worship

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    God is looking for a people who will build an altar of worship. It is that concept that some captured my attention. In particular the place that the altar plays in Old Testament worship, and it’s accompanying challenge to you and I.

    Egypt is synonymous of our world and it’s accompanying bondage. God’s desire for Israel was that they would be free from Egypt to worship him without constrain, that’s the story of Exodus. The first 2 commandments – EXODUS 20:1-6 Worship is that central affirmation of God in our lives, above more