Sermon Series
  • 1. A Man After God’s Own Heart

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Most individual are looking for other significant figures as inspirations. People of integrity whose lives inspires us to do better, to fly higher and to stand taller. As Christians, we also need Bible character to inspire us in our Spiritual journey. To

    Most individual are looking for other significant figures as inspirations. People of integrity whose lives inspires us to do better, to fly higher and to stand taller. As Christians, we also need Bible character to inspire us in our Spiritual journey. To encourage us and to comfort us. Although, more

  • 2. A Man Of Passion

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Passion: An intense, extreme, strong & overpowering emotion & feeling. The object of such enthusiasm.  What is the object of your enthusiasm? It must be to Glorify God. Amen!]  You need to have the HUNGER and the DESIRE so that you wil

    II. A MAN OF PASSION. Passion: An intense, extreme, strong & overpowering emotion & feeling. The object of such enthusiasm.  What is the object of your enthusiasm? It must be to Glorify God. Amen!]  You need to have the HUNGER and the DESIRE so that you will be on more

  • 3. A Man Of Destiny

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    DAVID IS GOD’S CHOSEN KING a. He was NOTHING but a Shepherd Boy. But God hides GREAT things in NOTHING. b. David has a Great Potential. He had Courage, Strength & Ability. c The Favor of God surrounded him wherever He went. d. He was Victorious.

    III. A MAN OF DESTINY: Destiny: the future destined for a person or thing; fate; fortune; the predetermined event. DAVID IS GOD’S CHOSEN KING a. He was NOTHING but a Shepherd Boy. But God hides GREAT things in NOTHING. b. David has a Great Potential. He had Courage, Strength & Ability. c more