Sermon Series
  • 1. What Kind Of Fool Am I?

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2018

    Solomon offers us some realizations about the fool — realizations that can help us deal with foolish people, deliver us from being fools, or help find our way from foolishness to wisdom.

    What Kind of Fool Am I? (Proverbs 26:1, 3-12) 1. Arrogance and foolishness go together. A strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of Morris, one of the older workmen. After several minutes, more

  • 2. It’s A Jungle Out There

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2018

    No man is an island. We all have families, friends, communities, organizations, or places of employment. We run into all kinds of people, and Proverbs helps prepare us to deal with the more challenging ones ("works of art").

    It’s A Jungle Out There (Proverbs 26:2, 13-16, 18-19, 27) 1. Maybe you have heard this one before. A couple were going on a vacation to Florida together, but the wife had an emergency at work. So they agreed the husband would go as planned and his wife would meet him at the hotel the next more

  • 3. Violating Honest, Kind Communication

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2018

    We have all misused our tongues, and perhaps created much damage. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we don’t want to be like the natural, unregenerate person; we want to live on a higher level, one that honors God. Let’s take a look at 3 very familiar violations of honest, kind communication.

    Violating Honest, Kind Communication (Proverbs 26:17, 20-26) 1. Most of us will enjoy a big Thanksgiving feast! BTW, What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi. 2. One woman writes, “A few years ago, my husband and I had my parents and sister up for more