Sermon Series
  • 1. What Does It Mean To Be "highly Favored" By God?

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The prosperity gospel tells us that "favor" means God makes our lives easier and more prosperous. But here, Mary is called "highly favored." What does that mean for Mary and what can we learn from her?

    PROSPERITY GOSPEL: Some people today teach that having “God’s favor” means unlimited blessings. - This is true of prosperity gospel preachers, but it’s also true of a lot of American Christians who know a lot more about America than the New Testament. WHAT DID "FAVOR WITH GOD" ACTUALLY more

  • 2. When God’s Promises Seem Too Good To Be Real

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2019

    Mary's response to Gabriel's message is surprising. The message is unexpectedly encouraging, yet the Bible says she was deeply troubled. Are there times when God gives us good news but we don't treat it like good news?

    THE ANGEL'S MESSAGE: Gabriel’s message was unexpectedly encouraging yet troubling to Mary. - Luke 1:28-29. - The message and the response don’t immediately line up. Let’s start with the response: v. 29 tells us that Mary was greatly troubled. Given that response, you would presume that the more

  • 3. Why Can Spiritual Stuff Be So Scary?

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2019

    Mary was "greatly troubled" by the appearance of the angel. Many are in a similar spot - "greatly troubled" by all things spiritual. What can help them take a step forward?

    “GREATLY TROUBLED”: Spiritual stuff can be scary. - Luke 1:29. - An angel shows up to speak to Mary. On the one hand, the angel is light and not wielding a sword, so there is a sense in which he shouldn’t be scary. But, of course, we don’t see angelic beings very often and I’m sure his presence more

  • 4. Limiting What God Can Do

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2019

    Mary expresses disbelief that she, a virgin, could fulfill the angel's prediction of a baby. We too often limit what we believe God is capable of.

    HE CAN'T DO THAT: We limit in our minds what we believe God can do. - Luke 1:34. - There is no doubt that the angel’s message about the virgin birth is a lot to take in. Because of that, it’s easy for us to be sympathetic toward Mary. We would no doubt have also struggled with this more

  • 5. The Partnership That Brings Spiritual Power

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2019

    Using Mary and the birth of Christ, this sermon explores the partnership of our willingness and the Holy Spirit's power to bring about amazing results.

    SEEING THE POWER OF GOD: God’s vision for Mary involves a combination of her willingness and the Holy Spirit’s power. - Luke 1:35. - In this situation, it means that Mary’s humble willingness to trust and serve team up with God’s power. The result is the miraculous birth of the Savior. - In the more

  • 6. How Elizabeth Encouraged Mary

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2020

    Mary has just received overwhelming news. To whom does she look? Elizabeth is the only one in the world that she knows of also dealing with a miraculous birth, so she quickly turns to her. How can we encourage others like Elizabeth encouraged Mary?

    SOMEONE ELSE: Mary was encouraged by what God was doing in Elizabeth’s life. - Luke 1:36, 39. - Mary had gotten mind-blowing news. Why did the angel mention Elizabeth? Because Elizabeth had gone through something similar. Certainly it was not a virgin pregnancy, but it nonetheless was a more

  • 7. When My Situation Seems Impossible

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    The angel tells Mary that nothing is impossible with God. This sermon looks at five things that seem impossible that God has made possible.

    “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD”: “Well, then, give me a million dollars!” - Luke 1:37. - Shallow requests. WHAT ARE SOME WORTHWHILE REQUESTS THAT SEEM IMPOSSIBLE? 1. “I wish I could have my slate wiped clean.” - Luke 24:47. - Matthew 26:28; Luke 3:3; Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38; Hebrews 9:22. - more

  • 8. How Does Trust Lead To Power?

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2020

    This sermon looks at Mary's submission to the angel's message, saying that she is the Lord's servant. What can we learn from Mary? And how does having trust in God lead to seeing power from God?

    “I DON'T WANT TO BE A SERVANT!”: How does trust lead to power? - Luke 1:38. - We don’t want to be a servant. - It’s challenging for us today to embrace being a servant. We are far more familiar with being a consumer, where we are the one who is being served and whose needs are being more