Sermon Series
  • 1. Do You Feel Me

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Starting a new series "Jukebox Lessons." Using popular songs as a segue to biblically based topical sermons. This week using Pink's, "Just Give Me a Reason," to talk about breakthroughs in communication.

    Do You Feel Me PPT 1 Series Title Intro: I am starting a new series today titled, "Jukebox Lessons." It's similar to what lot of churches have done with sermon series titled, "At the movies." Where they will show a clip from a movie and build a sermon around it. In this case we will be using more

  • 2. The Wings Of A Dove

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A message offering comfort for those in situations they wish they could fly away from.

    Wings of a dove PPT 1 Series title Jukebox lessons (Note to pastors, I have been doing a series, talking popular songs and playing parts of them and using them as a jump off point for my message. Today however I chose to place the song at the end of the service. The song is Simon and Garfunkel's more