Sermon Series
  • 1. When I Am Overwhelmed

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2020

    There are many times when we can feel weary, burdened and overwhelmed. The invitation from Jesus is to come to Him for soul-reviving rest for he is still sovereign when we are overwhelmed. This is true rest which is given to all the saints today, and into eternity.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Matthew 11:28-30 When I Am Overwhelmed I am not going to presume that your feelings through this time of COVID-19 are the same as mine. But I think it would be true to say that most of us … perhaps even all of us. … have had moments when we have felt overwhelmed. Where we more

  • 2. When There Is A Spiritual Battle

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2020

    In the mighty strength of the Lord we are equipped as wrestler-soldiers to stand in the spiritual battle. We will stand firm against all the schemes of the devil and the combined evil forces of the spiritual realm.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Ephesians 6:10-13 When There Is A Spiritual Battle In the garden of Eden there was perfection. God created and it was very good. Adam and Eve are walking with God in the cool of the evening. But someone is watching and scheming. The serpent who was more crafty than any more

  • 3. When I Feel Alone

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2020

    Social isolation is not the only cause of loneliness, there are many situations which cause us to feel alone. Jesus identifies with our loneliness and his sovereign grace gives us the ability to move beyond feelings of loneliness to a place of identity and purpose.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Psalm 68:5-6 When I Feel Alone In these past 5 weeks have you said one of these phrases more regularly. “I feel isolated.” “I want to connect.” “I need other people.” “I feel alone.” There is no doubt that the situation we are faced with at the moment has caused a greater more

  • 4. When Uncertainty Takes Hold

    Contributed on May 8, 2020
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    The exiles in Babylon where in a place of uncertainty because they were receiving mixed messages about the future plans of the Lord. Jeremiah reminds the exiles that, in the middle of uncertainty, God has a plan for peace and a strengthening of our personal relationship with God.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Jeremiah 29:11-14 When Uncertainty Takes Hold There is a situation that is written about in the book of Jeremiah that speaks very specifically into our lives in this COVID-19 moment. The historical setting is the time when the nation of Judah is taken into exile by more

  • 5. When We Are Powerless

    Contributed on May 15, 2020

    There are many situations in life which make us feel powerless. Knowing that we are powerless causes us to look in faith to Jesus dies for us in accordance with a powerfully-timed and powerfully-executed plan. Knowing this plan enables us to boast in our powerlessness.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Romans 5:6-11 When We Are Powerless “I am cooped up. I feel powerless.” “The restrictions keep changing so quickly. I feel powerless.” “I have a much higher level of anxiety. I feel powerless.” Powerless. That is a feeling we have experience more in these past weeks, more

  • 6. When There Is Persecution

    Contributed on May 22, 2020

    Persecution, and the emotions which come when we think about persecution, do not naturally cause us to feel blessed. Yet, when we stand firm in Jesus, we can hold on in strength to Jesus who is sovereign when we are persecuted.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Matthew 5:10-12 When There Is Persecution These past months of COVID-19 have initiated a whole range of conversations and topics – one of those topics has been persecution of Christians. A QB church this week noted with irony … and with a subtle reference to persecution … more

  • 7. When End Time Events Arise

    Contributed on May 29, 2020

    When catastrophe, such as a worldwide pandemic, occurs we are heightened in our end-time awareness. Our sovereign Jesus uses catastrophe to shake us from the rocking rhythm of the ordinary life.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Matthew 24:6-8 When End Times Events Appear On the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were proclaiming the Gospel in all sorts of languages they had never learnt, Peter directed everyone back to Scripture and said, “this is what was spoken”. The Scripture helps us to more

  • 8. When Judgement Arrives

    Contributed on Jun 5, 2020

    On Judgement Day the account of each person who ever lived on earth will be revealed and every person will realise that there is no one righteous. Our confidence in that moment comes when we know the name of the Jesus who will name us as his own.

    Jesus Is Still Sovereign Revelation 20:11-15 When Judgement Arrives In the past 7 weeks the Sunday messages have been focussing on areas and situations which come up in our lives. Consistently, as we have focussed on these situations, we have seen again and again that Jesus Is Still Sovereign. … more