Sermon Series
  • 1. James: Sinner, Saint, Servant

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2013

    Introductory message of a series on the book of James. Who he was, and his spiritual journey, from sinner to saint, to bondservant.

    James Sinner Saint Servant Today we are beginning a new series on the book of James James is believed to be the first written of all the New Testament books. That probably comes as a shock to some of you to find out the New Testament is not chronological, and that the gospels weren't written more

  • 2. Effectual Fervent Prayer

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Fervency in prayer is like the tension a string puts on a bow, it transfers its energy to the arrow to make it fly straight and true. An effective prayer is one that is successful in producing a desired or intended result.

    Effectual Fervent Prayer PPT 1 Series title We are in our study of the book of James entitled: Getting the right angle on things. Today we are going to talk about, why and when prayer doesn't work, and why and when prayer does work. By getting the right angle on this we can see more more