Sermon Series
  • 1. How To Improve Your Serve With God

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2021

    As Christians we are called to be servants! Yes, I said the “s” word “servants” – for many this term seems to imply to some – a slave - But Jesus (The Great I Am) came to serve and so should we.

    Series: How to Improve your serve? Illustration: Racquet ball and hit a few racquet balls into the audience! Give away 5 dollar Dunken Donut cards to those who catch them! Over the years I have played tennis with Kathy off and on, but I really loved playing racquetball! I learned from others that more

  • 2. How To Improve Your Serve In Community!

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2021

    To improve our serve in our community means we have to learn to become good neighbors. Being a good neighbor means knowing your neighbors name and some of their current story!

    Series: How to improve your serve? Thesis: As Christians we are called to be servants! Yes, I said the “s” word “servants” – for many this term seems to imply to some – a slave, a person lacking self-esteem, someone of lower class, a person crushed in spirit, a person with low self-worth. But more

  • 3. How To Improve Your Serve In Church

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2021

    The church is the vital community through which worship to God happens, it’s the place where people grow spiritually, it’s the place that fosters connection with God and others.

    Series: How to improve your serve? Thesis: As Christians we are called to be servants! Yes, I said the “s” word “servants” – for many this term seems to imply to some – a slave, a person lacking self-esteem, someone of lower class, a person crushed in spirit, a person with low self-worth. But Jesus more