Sermon Series
  • 1. The Living Water

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2016

    Like having the need for physical water, we must also immerse ourselves with God's Spiritual water.

    We are learning a lot about the importance of water all around the world at this year’s Folk Fair! What does God say about water? Did you know that there is always water with God? God is life and even scientists will tell us that where there is water there is life! We can note from the more

  • 2. God Is An Artisan!

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2014

    God is an Artisan who created us and continues to recreate us until we are perfect for heaven shining like stars in the universe!

    As you know, The Holiday Folk Fair is Celebrating the Culture of the Artisan, celebrating the knowledge and skills involved in creating objects ranging from delicate, detailed work, to the robust, like a sturdy basket or a canoe; in our music this morning a guitar, a flute made of bamboo, even a more

  • 3. Light

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2015

    We are called to be light!

    We are celebrating the Culture of Light this year at the Holiday Folk Fair! What a great theme! Does God say anything about light? Light is mentioned over 230 times in the Bible! Before we note what God says in the Bible about light, think about this for a moment: Close your eyes for a more