Getting Life Right (Sermon On The Mount A)
Contributed by Vic Folkert on May 18, 2020 (message contributor)
1. Getting Life Right: No Rules, Just Right
Contributed on May 18, 2020
The Old Testament is not a book of rules, but a guide to WHO God is, WHAT righteousness is, and HOW to bring righteousness into our lives. Jesus fulfills the law, but affirms its continuing relevance.
Getting Life Right: NO RULES. JUST RIGHT. Matthew 5:17-20 Some years ago, Outback Steakhouse had an advertising slogan: “No Rules. Just Right.” The slogan conveyed a relaxed attitude, symbolized by the lack of a set closing time posted on the door, and leaving no customer request unfulfilled. NO ...read more
2. Getting Life Right: If Words Could Kill
Contributed on May 18, 2020
Words have the power to destroy life, or support life. Fix relationships, and give those you love what you owe them.
Getting Life Right: WORDS—Matthew 5:21-26 Last week, we heard what Jesus said about the enduring purpose of the Old Testament: Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” Then Jesus said something ...read more
3. Getting Life Right: Sexuality
Contributed on May 18, 2020
Be wise about temptation, channel sexuality, and support marriage. Practical and positive, while presenting clear expectations and recognizing our need for God's help.
Getting Life Right: SEXUALITY—Matthew 5:27-32 In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gathered his closest disciples around him, teaching them how to get life right. We began our series with Matthew 5:17-20, where Jesus affirmed the enduring value of the OT law, but said that the law alone does not ...read more
4. Getting Life Right: Promises
Contributed on May 18, 2020
Life is built on promises. Every word a Christian speaks represents God, whether we take an oath in his name or simply make a promise.
Getting Life Right: PROMISES—Matthew 5:33-37 “You promised.” There’s something about that! There is something about a child being able to trust a parent’s promises, a husband or wife trusting every commitment made, or being able to count on people at work to do what promise to do. LIFE IS BUILT ...read more
5. Getting Life Right: Re-Cycling Relationships
Contributed on May 18, 2020
1) Break the Cycle of Retribution, 2) Start a New Cycle of Love. "What goes around comes around" is not the final answer. Love graciously as God loves.
Getting Life Right: RE-CYCLING RELATIONSHIPS—Matthew 5:38-48 Most relationships follow a simple rule: “What goes around comes around.” If interactions between people are going in a positive direction, the relationship thrives, with reciprocal affirmation, encouragement, cooperation, and kindness. ...read more
6. Getting Life Right: Righteousness Has Its Rewards
Contributed on May 18, 2020
The rewards of serving God are a righteous life with him. God rewards prayer, giving, and seeking him (fasting). Seeking rewards without seeking God misses God's best.
Getting Life Right: RIGHTEOUSNESS HAS ITS REWARDS—Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18 ***In a commercial for a credit card, a young man and woman are sitting at a table in a restaurant. The man is handing his credit card to the server, who looks soberly at the young lady, saying, “You know, he’s using you. He ...read more