Sermon Series
  • 1. Genuine

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2016

    G.U.T.S: Genuine 5 reasons to share who we really are from 1 John (Series idea from Mike Mack in his book, Small Group Vital Signs, pgs. 103-111; Warren Wiersbe's book, "Be Real" provided the outline, pgs. 19-28)

    HoHum: Mike Mack- When I was about 10 years old, I made friends with two brothers in my neighborhood, Tim and Jeff Ward. Perhaps because I did not have a brother living at home, or just for fun, I told them I had a twin brother named Mark. We would be playing Wiffle ball, and I’d go home, more

  • 2. Tangible

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2016

    G.U.T.S: Tangible- Let's talk about 5 tangible expressions of love from the one another's of the New Testament (Series idea from Mike Mack in his book, Small Group Vital Signs, pgs. 103-111; Outline from Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages)

    HoHum: Needed: A Valentine Card Today is a special holioday, what is it?  That's right -- Valentine Day. It is a very special day because it is a time when we tell our friends, family, and sweethearts how much we love them. One way we do that is by sending Valentine cards. Valentine cards may more

  • 3. Sacrifice

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    G.U.T.S: Sacrifice- What kinds of burdens should we carry? (Series idea from Mike Mack in his book, Small Group Vital Signs, pgs. 103-111; Outline from Bob Russell and Rusty Russell's book, The Power of One Another, chapter 7, pgs. 97-108)

    HoHum: Objects: Alex’s barbells Alex lifts barbells and here they are. Demonstrate how they work. Don’t have a weight bench One day last week I went to the gym to work out. There were many other people down there working out too. Some of them were lifting weights. As I watched the more