Sermon Series
  • 1. Zaacheaus Was A Wee Little Man.

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    A look at the story of Zaacheaus

    The crowd surged toward the road, pushing and shoving to get a better look at the man named Jesus. The city was Jericho and it was wall to wall people, each one of them eager to get a look at the young carpenter from Nazareth that everyone was talking about. It was his first time to this more

  • 2. Losing Jesus

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Joseph and Mary lost Jesus in Jerusalem but they weren't the last people to lose him. Insights on how we lose Jesus in our lives

    Losing Jesus So, where were you when you lost your kid? Seriously, if you have children you’ve lost one at some point or another. And if you haven’t lost one yet you will. Maybe it was in a grocery store, or on a street, at Disney Land or perhaps at church. But you remember the more

  • 3. The Three Temptations

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2010

    The temptations that Satan tempted Christ with are common to each of us and we can learn from his response

    Forty days, in the wilderness. Forty days, not four, not fourteen but forty. And all he took with him was what he was wearing. He wasn’t part of a tribe, had nobody to build an alliance with, it was just him, a rugged terrain and God. What did he eat? Did he hunt, or fish, he more

  • 4. Warnings On Hypocrisy

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    To be called a hypocrite is one of the most hurtful criticisms there is, how do we avoid Hypocrisy?

    Hypocrisy Clean on the outside and dirty on the inside. Wow! Jesus spoke about that concept a number of times throughout the gospels using word pictures like whitewashed tombs all clean and pretty on the outside and full of dead men’s bones on the inside. On my first trip to Africa one of more

  • 5. God Loves Lost People

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2010

    Jesus reminds us that God loves lost people so we should too

    God Loves Lost People If you’ve been around Cornerstone long enough you have probably heard our mission statement or perhaps you’ve read it on our website. Late in the last century when Angela and I were dreaming about what this church would look like we were told that an important more