Sermon Series
  • 1. Communication In Marriage

    Contributed on May 7, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This message introduces my new teaching series titled Desperate Households. Today’s message focuses on communication and the conflict that is often caused by poor communication in marriages today.

    “Desperate Households” Today: Communication Ephesians 4:29-30 David Henderson, Pastor/Teacher Today we begin a brand new teaching series titled Desperate Households. And for the next 9-10 weeks through we are going to be talking about the family. And I want you to know that in preparing more

  • 2. Romancing The Home

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2007

    This message deals with thre steps to help couples increase romance in the home. It is a part of my series Desperate Households.

    -Romancing the Home Revelation 2:1-5 David Henderson Pastor, Teacher Well, why don’t you treat me like you used to do? How come you treat me like a worn out shoe? My hair’s still curly and my eyes are still blue. Why don’t you love me like you used to do? Why don’t you spark me like you more

  • 3. The Best Part

    Contributed on Nov 25, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on the story of Mary and Martha and how moms are called on to make the right choices in raising children and in their own spiritual walk. This message affirms the role of motherhood and is preached in a very positive way.

    The Best Part Luke 10:38-42 Desperate Households Series I think we would all agree that the role of Moms today has greatly changed. Expectations have changed....focus has changed and for some Moms today, fulfilling this role can be difficult at best. Many more appliances and conveniences ave more

  • 4. What's Love Got To Do With It?

    Contributed on Nov 25, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    What does love have to do with marriage? Everything! Want your marriage ot be the best one on the block? This message can help uncommitted couple see the importance of falling in love again.

    “What’s Love got to Do with it?” 1st Corinthians 13 Through the years there have been tens of thousands of songs written that we would call love songs. Many of these of course have been country songs. We all remember songs like Your Cheatin Heart, don’t break my heart, my achy, breaky heart. more