Sermon Series
  • 1. Book Of Judges 1 - Introduction

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2011

    But when the judge died, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their fathers, following other gods and serving and worshiping them.

    Dakota Community Church October 30, 2011 Judges – Week One Introduction & Historical Context Judges is named for the military and civic leaders who were raised up by GOD to deliver Israel from its oppressors in the roughly 350 (1380-1050 AD) year period between the death of Joshua and more

  • 2. Deborah 2

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2014

    The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom.

    Dakota Community Church October 5, 2014 Deborah 2 The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. Here I will attempt to present the two most common doctrinal more

  • 3. Deborah 3

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2014

    The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. This one is about egalitarianism.

    Dakota Community Church October 19, 2014 Deborah 3 The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. Two weeks ago we looked at Complementarianism; today we will more