Sermon Series
  • 1. Pursuing The Call Part 1

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2019

    As we resume the study of the book of Acts, The Apostle Paul is in the spotlight for most of the remainder of the book. In Acts 16 we meet some new and key figures for the church, Timothy, Lyddia and we learn about the need in Macedonia. At each turn we see Paul pursuing the call.

    ACTS Pursuing The Call – Part 1 JUNE 9, 2019 Acts 16:1-15 How To Pursue The Call of Jesus OUTLINE YOU MUST. . . Know the cost Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek. He was well spoken more

  • 2. Pursuing The Call Part 2 "no Power Greater"

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2019

    As we continue our series in Acts, we see that the team has arrived in Macedonia and began their ministry. Let’s pick up the narrative in verse 16 of acts 16.

    ACTS Pursuing The Call – Part 2 JUNE 16, 2019 Acts 16:16-38 FATHER’S DAY OUTLINE And the journey continues . . . As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, more

  • 3. Pursuing The Call Part 3 Turning The World Upside Down

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2019

    In our journey through the book of Acts, we come to a remarkable part f the story of Paul’s missionary journeys. He was an influencer for the kingdom of God and everywhere he went the place was never the same.

    ACTS Pursuing The Call – Part 3 Dr. Tom Bartlett JUNE 23, 2019 Acts 17:1-15 OUTLINE TURNING THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN A call to influence your world will include. . . MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS “Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was more