Sermon Series
  • 1. Don't Let Anger Rattle Around In Your Soul

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2005
    based on 36 ratings

    There is a difference between the righteous anger Jesus felt at times and the piddling little things that make us angry. Anger can be an impediment which stands in the way of our enjoyment of God.

    Don’t Let Anger Rattle Around in Your Soul James 1:19-21 February 13, 2005 One of the things that I regret about the way I reared my children is that I think I raised my voice too often. As I reflect back, I understand now that on those occasions when I had reached the limit of my patience more

  • 2. Are You A Lazybones?

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    There is a big difference between taking a Sabbath and being lazy. Lazyness separates us from our own potential, from the love of others, and from the grace of God.

    Are You a Lazybones? Proverbs 6:6-11 February 20, 2005 Twenty three years ago, I was one of seventeen men and women who stood before the Annual Conference and was ordained into the United Methodist ministry. We had all written thousands of words explaining our personal histories, our more