Sermon Series
  • 1. Choosing To Live For Christ

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Peter encourages us to live a Godly life by making every effort to be faithful to God, knowing that our reward comes from only Him. Therefore, our focus should always be on Christ and submitting to Him faithfully in all we do!

    Choosing to Live for Christ 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 1 2 Peter 1:1-11 Introduction - Well … he’s written us another letter! - Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- Promise he stand on: the Gospel they are preaching is of Jesus more

  • 2. The Legitimacy Of Scripture

    Contributed on May 24, 2022

    The human trap is that we’d use scripture like a baseball bat and abuse people with it. But in reality, it ought to be a source of comfort and sufficiency in God - it should be our lamp in a very dark world!

    The Legitimacy of Scripture 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 2 2 Peter 1:12-21 Introduction - Purpose: Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- Promise he stands on: the Gospel they are preaching is of Jesus Christ! -- This Gospel is our measuring stick; and it is what more

  • 3. The Dangers Of False Teachers

    Contributed on May 28, 2022

    Level Set: False teachers are not new, and they have always existed. The legitimacy of God’s Word (the Bible) is where we find our foundation and wisdom, and it is within its pages that we see the dangers of following those who are not grounded in the Word of God.

    The Dangers of False Teachers 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 3 2 Peter 2:1-22 Introduction - Purpose: Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- As a disciple maker his desire is to see others grow in knowledge of Christ -- Promise he stands on: the Gospel we/they are more

  • 4. The Day Of The Lord, Part 1

    Contributed on Jun 5, 2022

    This topic has fascinated many – even in the 1st century. But, know this: fascination is not what God is after from you and I. What God wants from us is understanding -- which leads to submitting to Him and being prepared for the day Jesus returns!

    The Day of the Lord, Part 1 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 4 2 Peter 3:1-10 Introduction - Purpose: Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- As a disciple maker his desire is to see others grow in knowledge of Christ -- Promise he stands on: the Gospel we/they are more

  • 5. The Day Of The Lord, Part 2

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2022

    The focus of life is never to be on us. The focus is where praise is directed and Who we are waiting for. Why? Because Jesus is where our eternity is finished, and where our focus must always be directed!

    The Day of the Lord, Part 2 2 Peter Sermon Series, Part 5 2 Peter 3:11-18 Introduction - Purpose: Peter gives guidance and reassurance to the growing church -- As a disciple maker his desire is to see others grow in knowledge of Christ -- Promise he stands on: the Gospel we/they are more