Sermon Series
  • 1. #1 God Is Looking For Interceders?

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2014

    God needs people to enlist to be faithful in the role of intercession... Prayer is the key.

    #1 CAN GOD FIND INTERCEDERS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. DEFINE: INTERCEDE, INTERCESSION To be situated between things, To find away to get over or through difficulties. To intervene on behave of another, to plead, prayer. Mediate, to produce agreement or more

  • 2. #2 God Need Intercessors

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2014

    God needs people in the church to arise and intercede for others. God needs you to understand how important prayer really is...

    #2 CAN GOD FIND INTERCEDERS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? DEFINE: INTERCEDE, INTERCESSION To be situated between things, To find away to get more