Sermon Series
  • 1. Anchor For Life’s Storms

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2022

    Peter writes to Christians scattered, strangers in the world. This world is not your home. He writes to Christians who are suffering because of their faith. Here is a message of hope.

    The book of 1 Peter is a great book if you need encouragement to cope with life’s storms. Peter wrote this letter on the verge of a great persecution that broke out against Christians. It was a very tough time to be a Christian. Storms of life still rage. Families break apart, children and more

  • 2. Prepare For Revival

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2022

    Revival affects our relationship to God, but also to one another. Peter talks about how as our salvation affects us it should give us a love for the unlovely. Jesus goes so far as to say, by this will all men know that you are my disciples that you love one another.

    To get a fire started you need some paper, dry kindling wood and a flame. Once you get the flame started you must take care to make sure the flame gets air. You may blow into the flame to get the fire to ignite. You also protect the small flame from too much wind that could blow it out. But once it more

  • 3. The Power Of God's Word

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We must avoid a famine like is mentioned in Amos 8:11. He calls it a famine of God’s Word. Instead long for God’s Word like a newborn baby longs for milk. Why? Because God’s Word is powerful! God’s Word causes spiritual growth.

    The Word of God is powerful. A detachment of soldiers came along with officials of the chief priest and Pharisees to arrest Jesus. He asked them, who do you want? “Jesus of Nazareth”, they replied. “I am he,” Jesus said. At his word the armed soldiers drew back and fell on the ground (John 18:3-6). more

  • 4. Your Position In Christ

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2022

    The priesthood of the believer. We all have positions of priests. We all have direct access to God. And it goes on. Christians are God’s own people. You are a special possession of God.

    Do you remember the television show called Fantasy Island? For a fee of ten thousand dollars they would arrange a weekend of your fantasy to come true. That sounds pretty good. But God can do better than that. He will give you beyond what you ask or think. Not for a weekend but for a life and even more

  • 5. Endurance Under Stress

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2022

    Does coming to Christ mean the end of suffering? Sorry, no it does not. To this, suffering, you were called. Christ suffered and left an example of suffering. We have great verses in 21-25 about what Christ’s death on the cross means. Christ suffered for you.

    It was one of those dramatic stories. The town ruffian named Big Joe became a Christian. After all the noses he had broken, black eyes he had given the meanest toughest man in town accepts Christ and becomes a changed man. Now instead of a violent temper he endured patiently, even under stress. more

  • 6. Seeking Right Relationships

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2022

    When you relate to God, set Christ apart as Lord, you are always ready to give an answer. An answer to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. When you have this kind of relationship with the Lord that Peter is talking about in this passage people will ask you about it.

    We quite often hear alarming reports about declining education. Tests scores dropping for students. This is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. But there is another finding that is serious but does not receive the same attention. When discovering why those fail at their jobs their more

  • 7. Make Every Day Count

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2022

    A clear mind will help us to pray more appropriately for a given situation. Christ is coming again and time is running out. This should lead us to a sound prayer life.

    We need, from time to time, to be reminded that we never know how much time we have left. I used to visit a man name David Fatheringham. He was a faithful believer in his eighties. The doctor said to him, you might not live long at all. I can’t even assure you that you will see another day. But on more

  • 8. Three Types Of Suffering

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2022

    Suffering for righteous sake has a long tradition, Jeremiah, Amos, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Jesus, Steven, Paul, Silas and Peter. Don't be surprised when you are suffering for Christ.

    Are you surprised when you see religious programming on television and you hear someone say that if you have enough faith you will have health, wealth and prosperity? Peter would have been surprised. His message to Christians is don’t be surprised when you experience painful suffering. I hope more

  • 9. Be Clothed With Humility

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2022

    We need a fresh glimpse of the eternal and a reminder that God is our creator and we are the creation. God seeks humility in his children. Humble yourself under God’s mighty hand and he may lift you up in due time.

    If you think like country singer Mac Davis that it is “Hard to Be Humble when you are perfect in every way”, that is a good sign that you need this passage of scripture on humility. Your accomplishments, recognitions and achievements can be obstacles to the humility that God desires us to more

  • 10. Your Enemy The devil

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2022

    We are not fighting in spiritual warfare so that Christ may ultimately win. Christ already won. The victory came on resurrection morning. You can triumph over your enemy the devil because Jesus triumphed.

    When I was a senior in high school I played on an undefeated football team. Our first three games we outscored our opponents 130-0. But we had to be careful. When the game went on to the fourth quarter the other team knew they could not win. That’s when cheap shots were common. The losing team was more

  • 11. Outline Of Book: 1 Peter

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2022

    Peter encourages the scattered Christians in their persecution to fear God and love others. There are several appeals to the reader to remember your salvation.

    Rejoice in Suffering for Christ Chapter 1 Remember you salvation in Christ Peter encourages his readers in their persecution to fear God and love others. There are several appeals to the reader to remember your salvation. Vs. 1-2 Peter addresses his readers and states his purpose is to more