Contributed by John Shearhart on Sep 10, 2006
We must understand that God’s idea of “good” means that the events as a whole are constructive.
“A woman fell and broke her arm. Is that good? In and of itself it is not, but she went to the hospital, and the doctors found she also had cancer. Because it was found early enough she lived.” more
Contributed by Kent Tucker on Jan 15, 2007
a. People usually do not understand how wonderful the good news really is. They often think that they have to be a good person or a church-goer to get to heaven. They have tried that and it doesn’t work. People usually do not understand that coming to Jesus is like taking a shower. You don’t clean more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 20, 2007
The Kid Vote- Today’s kids really understand the impact of voting because they are actually doing it. How cool is it to actually vote for the newest American Idol®? That day, 63 million votes were cast, 43 million tuned in to the finale. Many were kids, tweens and teens, along with their parents. more
based on 133 ratings
Bedouin camel drivers in the mid-East understand how relationships can get out-of-balance this way. Camels are notoriously moody. Their selfish ways are legendary.
From time to time a camel-driver senses his camel is fed-up with the owner. Wanting to head-off an explosion, the owner will hand more
United Methodist
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 22, 2002
based on 33 ratings
Some congregations, I understand, have even dropped the communion service from the regular morning worship hour, just inviting those who wish to partake to go to another room for the Lord’s Supper after the service or serving it during the week. The reasoning, I’m told, is that the strange practice more
Christian/Church Of Christ
To be saved, one has to understand that I am a sinner, and my sin has separated me from God. I can try to earn my way back to God all I want, or I can realize that is hopeless - nothing I can do can wash away my sin - only Christ’s blood - only his sacrifice is acceptable to God, so I have to give more
Contributed by Michael West on Apr 2, 2008
The more I began to understand His Majesty, the more I realize that I am not all that. I am not a good man and by nature I came that way, but Jesus came to save sinners. I can’t stand and say, “Lord, I sure am glad I haven’t done what that man did.” No, because in deed or thought, I have sinned as more