Contributed by Clark Tanner on Jun 10, 2004
"Why do we hide things of value? To keep them safe. In some cases, because of their sentimental value, or their deep personal meaning for us, we might keep them hidden because we consider only a select few people in our lives worthy of sharing the knowledge of them. Like some item that may more
Contributed by Sermon Central on May 26, 2005
based on 8 ratings
Things You’d Love to Say at Work But Can’t
• How about never? Is never good for you?
• I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.
• It sounds like English, but I can’t understand a word you’re saying.
• Ah … I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.
• I like you. You remind me of more
Contributed by Guy Glass on Aug 5, 2005
We missed him. Our chance to change things came and passed and we did not know it was there. A dark-skinned little boy sat through Sunday School classes for three years at a great Baptist Church (First Church, San Antonio) but some one missed him. His name was Sirhan Sirhan, and at age 24 he shot more
Contributed by David Smith on Dec 5, 2005
based on 2 ratings
One of the hard, mature things we all have to do is to separate fact from fiction. I heard a cute story about a kid who finally began to face up to the fragility of his belief in the Tooth Fairy. He confronted his mother and asked her, “Mom, are you the Tooth Fairy?” Well, she gave a little sigh, more
Contributed by Tony Abram on Sep 8, 2006
My testimony of how I gave every thing to God, then after a night of prayer He spoke to my heart after I gave Him my all and said “Now everything I have is yours.
1. God speaking me of do not worry over pensions and how our needs would be met when we are more
We don’t want to do things that make the devil glad, makes the Holy Spirit sad, or dooms our brother or sister to feeling bad. Rather, we want to make the devil run, magnify the Son, and learn more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 3, 2008
-Why do we sometimes hold on so tightly to things God is asking us to let go of? God really does want to bless us with His very best, but we can get so attached to the things of this life that we aren’t willing to release them to Him.
-One little girl saved up her money for weeks and weeks. She more
Assembly Of God
Contributed by Stephen Evoy on Jan 4, 2008
It’s one thing to talk to our kids about Jesus; it’s another thing to talk like Jesus in front of our kids. The fact of the matter is: our kids might stop more
Free Methodist
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Apr 20, 2008
based on 4 ratings
There are many things I don’t enjoy. One of them is taking my vehicle to the dealership to have it serviced. Then there’s the wait for a ride back to the office (or sit in the waiting room drinking terrible coffee). I lose the rhythm in my day.
This past week was an absolute nightmare on more
Salvation Army