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In Sermon Illustrations: "The Apple Of The Eye"

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  • Grieving Person: It Is So Depressing Being Out ...  PRO

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 26, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    Grieving Person: It is so depressing being out of work so long, sometimes I wonder if life is worth living. Not that I’m planning on committing suicide or anything, but this really gets me down. Right Response: I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. It is bad, and I would probably have more

  • While In The World Some Unbelievers Constantly ...  PRO

    Contributed by Shad Comeaux on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    While in the world some unbelievers constantly play “Simon says”. You know the game where one person stands in front of a group of people and say, “Simon says raise your hand,” and everybody raises their hands. “Simon says raise your other hand,” and everybody raises their other hand. Well the more

  • Have You Ever Been To A Church Where You Didn't ...

    Contributed by Warren Curry on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever been to a church where you didn’t feel welcome? You went in and looked around the foyer area and no one greets you. You proceed through the doors into the sanctuary and find yourself a seat in the back row and begin to prepare yourself for the worship time. People come filing in more

  • The Story Is Told Of A Minister Who Was Full Of ...  PRO

    Contributed by Charles R. Swindoll on Sep 27, 2004
    based on 2 ratings

    The story is told of a minister who was full of energy and enthusiasm for the Lord. One day he went to the hospital to visit one of his parishioners who was critically ill. The minister entered the room and saw the man lying in bed with a whole host of tubes and wires attached to his body. Without more

  • At The End Of The Nineteenth Century, A Boxer ...

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Sep 27, 2004

    At the end of the nineteenth century, a boxer named “Gentlemen Jim” Corbett, held the heavyweight championship title for the world for five consecutive years. When someone asked him what the key to it was, he answered with these words: “Fight one more round. When your feet are so tired that you more

  • Perhaps No Composer Has Captured The Musical ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Perhaps no composer has captured the musical heart and soul of America as did Irving Berlin. In addition to familiar favorites such as "God Bless America" and "Easter Parade," he wrote, "I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas," which still ranks as the all-time best-selling musical score. In an more

  • Oprah Winfrey Was Interviewing People On Her ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    Oprah Winfrey was interviewing people on her program recently who were having affairs with married people (there’s a great subject) One woman who had a long-standing affair with a married man was saying how happy she was. But then someone raised the question of morality. "Wait a minute," the woman more

  • The Marines Have Always Been An Elite Fighting ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The Marines have always been an elite fighting force. For years there slogan has been “We are looking for a Few Good Men.” A Pastor by the name of David Schaal said that his Marine Corps Boot camp lasted 18 weeks. He says that during that 18 week period the recruits were never, ever called more

  • Pastor D. James Kennedy Said In A Sermon, "I ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    Pastor D. James Kennedy said in a sermon, “I remember years ago talking to a man in his home about Christ and asking him who he thought Jesus was. He said, ‘Oh, He’s a wonderful man. He was the greatest man who ever lived, the most loving and gracious person who ever walked upon this earth.’ “I more

  • When Preachers Get Together, Someone May ...

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Jul 21, 2007

    When preachers get together, someone may comment, “That will preach.” Inspiration for a sermon comes from many people and places. A few weeks ago in our Academy for Christian Training and Service one of our readings for reflection came from the book YEARING TO KNOW GOD’S WILL by Danny E. Morris, more

  • How Do Some People Seek Guidance From God?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 29, 2007

    How do some people seek guidance from God? > Signs – like a falling star, a chance meeting between people, something in a fortune cookie… Here’s something that I think would be good for a fortune cookie: “Stop trying to find your fortune in a cookie and go get a job!” > Random Bible Openings – more

  • I Give Thee Humble Thanks

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Nov 19, 2007

    “I Give Thee Humble Thanks” I give Thee humble thanks: For all the gifts that Thou dost send, For every kind and loyal friend, For prompt supply of all my need, For all that’s good in word or deed, For gift of health along life’s way. For strength to work from day to day. I give Thee humble more

  • If You're Wearing A Parachute, And Thrown From An ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 2, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    If you’re wearing a parachute, and thrown from an airplane, you have decisions to make – how long will you wait before you do something? Will you pull the ripcord, or will you act as if you don’t have one? Will you take off the parachute, or leave it on? Will you keep your eyes open, or close more

  • Charles Dickens's Tale Of Two Cities Is A Story ...

    Contributed by Kenneth Mitchell on Jan 31, 2008

    Charles Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities is a story woven around the events of the French revolution. Each day, a grim procession of prisoners would make its way on the streets of Paris to the guillotine. One prisoner, Sidney Carton, a brave man who had once lost his soul but had now found it again, more

  • We Are Told In One Of The Greek Histories That ...

    Contributed by Matthew Sullivan on Feb 19, 2008

    We are told in one of the Greek histories that the wife of on of the generals of Cyrus, ruler of Persia, was accused of treachery and was condemned to die. At first her husband didn’t know what was taking place. But as soon as he heard about it he rushed to the palace and burst into the throne more

  • The Home Should Be The Place Where Our Spiritual ...

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Mar 25, 2008

    The home should be the place where our spiritual life and everyday life meet. Recover the sacredness of the family table. Throughout history, mealtime, especially the dinner meal, has been considered a sacred time. Remember when the disciples shared a meal with the risen Christ? It was at the meal more

  • Shaved Heads Reaffirms A Friend!

    Contributed by Daniel Harman on Mar 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    SHAVED HEADS REAFFIRMS A FRIEND! A teenage boy was diagnosed with cancer and as a result was in the hospital for several weeks to undergo radiation treatments and chemotherapy. During that time, he lost all of his hair. On the way home from the hospital, he was worried-not about the cancer, but more

  • Ideal Love

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Ideal Love a. There was a Dad who took his kids to do a little shopping. As they drove up, they spotted an eighteen-wheeler parked with a big sign on it that said, "Petting Zoo." The kids jumped up in a rush and asked, "Daddy, Daddy. Can we go? Please. Please. Can we go?" "Sure," He said giving more

  • Looking At The Master

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Apr 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    LOOKING AT THE MASTER A pastor once told his congregation about a man who had a dog, and the man was trying to train his dog to be obedient. And what he would do was to take a large piece of meat--good, red, juicy meat that dogs would normally like to eat--and he would put it in the middle of the more

  • There Was A Father Who Took His Two Young ...

    Contributed by Mick Court on Jun 22, 2008

    There was a father who took his two young children to an amusement park. They were so excited. After going on all the rides they wanted, he said now it is time for the ghost train! They both didn't want to go, and yet the father insisted it was part of the experience of going to an amusement park. more

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