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  • We 'are' Preaching

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    WE ’ARE’ PREACHING One day St. Francis of Assisi invited a young monk to join him on a trip into town to preach. The young monk was so honored that he quickly accepted. All day long they walked through the streets, and rubbed shoulders and visited with hundreds of people. At the end of the day, more

  • Last Week We Attended Our Niece's Wedding. Our ...

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Mar 4, 2009

    Last week we attended our niece’s wedding. Our little 2 year-old granddaughter Lydia was the Flower Girl and our 5-year-old grandson David was Ring-Bearer. Susan was talking to David after the wedding about what a great job he did coming up that aisle. She told him, “Charis said you were an more

  • People Will Ask You

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Mar 4, 2009

    PEOPLE WILL ASK YOU If you commit yourself to taking advantage of opportunities that come your way, you will find that sharing your faith is going to happen naturally. For one thing, People WILL ask you about your connection to God. We had two examples of this just in the last few weeks from more

  • Changing The Label On ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 13, 2009

    CHANGING THE LABEL ON SIN Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman told of a distinguished minister, Dr. Howard, from Australia who preached very strongly on the subject of sin. After the service, one of the church deacons came to counsel with him in the study. "Dr. Howard," he said, "we don’t want you to talk as more

  • How To Get To Heaven

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 9, 2009

    HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN Bishop Fulton Sheen, in his autobiography "Treasure in Clay," wrote about an experience he had when he was traveling around preaching: I stopped to ask a few boys for directions to the Town Hall where I was giving a lecture. They told me where the Town Hall was and then more

  • Amazed By Jesus

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 9, 2009

    AMAZED BY JESUS Many years ago – in the confines of a barracks room, a young sailor decided not to go out partying with his friends. He invested that evening reading the Bible - very specifically – reading the Gospel of John. The room was mostly dark except for the light of the little study desk more

  • When I Was Teaching Middle School, I Faced A ...

    Contributed by Terry Barnhill on May 9, 2009

    When I was teaching Middle School, I faced a problem that’s common to all teachers. I’d be giving instructions to the class, and while I was talking, one or two hands would flip up into the air. They had a question. I wasn’t finished giving the instructions, and already they had questions. My more

  • What He Heard His Wife Say,

    Contributed by Tim Harlow on May 13, 2009

    WHAT HE HEARD HIS WIFE SAY, "You’re way too stupid to be trusted driving alone in bad weather at your age." WHAT SHE ACTUALLY SAID, "Drive carefully, dear." WHAT HE HEARD HIS WIFE SAY, "Honey, why don’t you put your head in a vice and I’ll turn the handle until your skull explodes." WHAT SHE more

  • Verse 14 (Where The Psalmist Calls God Awesome ...

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Jun 4, 2009

    Verse 14 (where the psalmist calls God awesome and says he needs to fall down to the ground in adoration of God) is often misunderstood, though. There is a scene in a very cynical, satirical movie that applies to the world’s misunderstanding of praise. It is a scene from a Python film called "The more

  • Love In The Driveway  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 25, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    LOVE IN THE DRIVEWAY One young boy said, "Love is when his daddy reads me a bedtime story. True love is when he doesn’t skip any pages." I remember when my son Shawn was in high school. Several times he parked his truck in the middle of the driveway. That got my dander up, because I could not get more

  • Christian Love Impacts A Heartless World  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 18, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    CHRISTIAN LOVE IMPACTS A HEARTLESS WORLD We live in a heartless world. The last United States census missed at least 5.7 million people who were anonymous even to the census takers. Every year thousands of unidentified and even unidentifiable bodies are found across North America. And only one out more

  • Climate At Church Compared To Jewelry Store Grand ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Nov 11, 2009

    Climate at Church compared to Jewelry Store Grand Opening John Bisagno former Pastor of Houston’s First Baptist Church tells the story of his coming as a candidate for the position of pastor many years ago. He said that as he entered the auditorium it was dimly lit, with just a few people huddled more

  • When I Was In Seminary, The Administration Asked ...

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 24, 2009

    When I was in seminary, the administration asked me to go on a recruiting trip back to Central College, from which I had graduated. So one of the professors and I flew into DesMoines, Iowa, where the college chaplain picked us up. He started to drive us to Pella, a trip of about an hour. The three more

  • Accepting Forgiveness Can Be Difficult

    Contributed by Greg Bond on Dec 28, 2009

    ACCEPTING FORGIVENESS CAN BE DIFFICULT I’m sure that many of you, just looking at this title, already have emotions running through your mind. Maybe accepting forgiveness from God and acceptance into His fellowship, is something you have struggled with personally, or you know one person, or more

  • I ...

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Jan 25, 2010

    ILLUSTRATION How many of us had to be taught how to talk back to your parents? How may of us had to be taught how to cheat on a test or our tax return? How many of us had to be taught how to lie? How many of us had to be taught how to be selfish? Just as all of us don’t need to be taught how to more

  • Restitution And Forgiveness

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 6, 2010

    Restitution and Forgiveness Keith Drury is a writer from the Wesleyan Church and in one of his books he touches on this whole subject of restoring relationships when talking about restitution. This is what he says. "Restitution deals with more than property. It is also going back and making more

  • Bitterness Kills  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 28, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    BITTERNESS KILLS Bitterness has been medically linked to glandular problems, high blood pressure, cardiac disorders, ulcers, and even insanity. One leading psychiatrist wrote, "90% of all people in insane asylums could be released immediately if they would learn how to forgive, or how to be more

  • The Body Reaching Out

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Mar 22, 2010

    THE BODY REACHING OUT When I was in seminary and I moved into the dormitory, I went to the largest church in Fort Worth at the time. I was looking for a church to join, because I believe it's important for Christians to be a part of a local church. I didn't like the idea of "shopping around" for a more

  • Bigger Than Now

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Apr 26, 2010

    BIGGER THAN NOW When you prepare to come out of high school, you go through processes in grade 11 and 12 where you evaluate future options. You might have had a conversation with your school counsellor, talking about programs and courses you needed to qualify for certain post-secondary studies. more

  • Skuvbalon Took On The Nuance Of A Vulgar ...

    Contributed by Roger Miller on Apr 27, 2010

    Skuvbalon took on the nuance of a vulgar expression with emotive connotations (thus, roughly equivalent to the English “crap, s**t”) is probable. . .” skuvbalon. If you study the use of this word outside the Bible especially in the first Century it is more

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