Sermon Illustrations


Bishop Fulton Sheen, in his autobiography "Treasure in Clay," wrote about an experience he had when he was traveling around preaching:

I stopped to ask a few boys for directions to the Town Hall where I was giving a lecture. They told me where the Town Hall was and then asked, "What are you going to do there?"

"I’m giving a lecture on heaven and how to get there. Would you like to come and find out?"

"You’re kidding," one boy said. "You don’t even know the way to the Town Hall."

Well, we at least know where Hell is. It’s a town in south Michigan. Hell also sponsors a running event called "Run Thru Hell 10 Mile and 4.8 Mile Race." Each participant is given a T-shirt that says "I Ran Thru Hell." There’s also a wedding chapel, so you can have a marriage from Hell. You can visit there in the summer and talk about your vacation in Hell. And, it actually does get cold Hell, MI. But there is no Heaven, MI.

(From a sermon by Sherm Nichols, "Could Someone Please Tell Me Where Heaven Is?" 1/30/2009)

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