NOTE: The following (point I) is directly quoted from Melton, Donnie and he answers the questions for the Tithes and Offering quiz (he designed) handed out to the congregation:
I. The tithes and offering test:
a. Malachi 3 - Tithes and Offering Test:
i. The first problem more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 6, 2006
based on 5 ratings
Where have All The Tithes Gone? Christian Stewardship Association reports 85% of pastor’s feel they haven’t been taught or empowered to teach principles of biblical stewardship and finance. 90% of churches have no program to teach stewardship principles.
We are in the midst of a 26-year decline in more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 3, 2006
based on 1 rating
Tithing Down: The proportion of households that tithe their income to their church has dropped by 62% in the past year, from 8% in ‘01 to just 3% of adults during ‘02.
In ‘00, 12% of all born again adults tithed. The percentage rose to 14% in ‘01, but dropped to 6% in ‘02. Groups most likely to more
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 17, 2008
The most crippling time for the church is summer time and vacations. People are traveling and spend their tithe, or drop it in a church they are visiting. Too many come home and having been away for weeks over the summer, have no sense of obligation to “make up” the shortfall in more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on May 17, 2008
Deuteronomy 14:25 - Verse 25 – “take the silver with you” more accurately translated really means, “Bind the money in your hand” is an instruction to not compromise God’s tithe money for that yearned for item, travel expense, vacation focus or anything else between the time it is put aside for God more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Bruce Howell on Mar 23, 2004
based on 33 ratings
IT WAS PENTECOST SUNDAY. As the congregation filed into church, the ushers handed each person a bright red carnation to symbolize the festive spirit of the day. The people listened attentively to the reading of the Pentecost story from the Book of Acts about how the disciples had heard “what more
Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Jun 16, 2009
based on 2 ratings
A pastor who announced one Sunday that he had made a new offering box for the weekly collection of the tithes and offerings. He claimed that it was designed to encourage people to become better stewards of their money.
"This new box," he explained, "has some interesting features. When you drop more
You all probably remember the photos that Eve [our former children’s worker] brought back from Zambia of bags of grain lying in church as people had brought a true tithe, ten per cent of their crop to give to God. People in Africa have very little and yet are very generous.
In this country more
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 28, 2010
Let’s suppose you left your wallet on your seat and I found it tomorrow. Because I found it I instantly believe I have a right to entitlement and spend the money that you have in your wallet (or use your credit cards!) When you find out I did that you will rightfully be angry and accuse me of more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 28, 2010
"Take the silver with you” (verse 25) more accurately translated really means, “bind the money in your hand”. E.g. – Have you ever put that tithe on the dresser, to get it ready for Sunday but somehow when Sunday came you had used the money for a need that popped up? You reason, “I’ll make it up more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Jul 17, 2010
I love that old saying from the Quaker who said that Americans tend to want everything because we value things too little—implying that what we have is valued so little that we no longer know what is truly valuable and what is not. As Ralph more