Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
based on 1 rating
Recently I read a fable about a dog who loved to chase other animals. He bragged about his great running skill and said he could catch anything. Well, it wasn’t long until his boastful claims were put to the test by a certain rabbit. With ease the little creature outran his barking pursuer. The more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
based on 3 ratings
Have you ever seen, read about or heard about how a baby giraffe is born and what happens to it? First of all, a giraffe is a pretty tall animal, isn’t it? When the baby giraffe starts its journey down the birth canal, the mother goes to a spot where there are no bushes, just flat dirt.
As the more
Contributed by Art Good on Jul 26, 2007
Recently I read about a Pastor who had a thorn. He had just started - getting involved in teaching and preaching and sensing that it might be some area of calling for him.
It was on a Sunday morning at this church and five minutes into his message he started to get dizzy and woozy and the room more
Contributed by Andy Grossman on Aug 26, 2007
based on 2 ratings
I read recently about a group of women who were studying the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse three which says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." (Malachi 3:3) This verse kind of puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement more
Contributed by Charles Jones on Aug 29, 2007
I read a statement from Dr. Lester Sumrall he said " One of the disturbing things about Christianity is that very few Christians more
Contributed by Bob Joyce on Sep 14, 2007
based on 7 ratings
I read a story recently that illustrates what I’m talking about. Back in the days when racial prejudice was open, vile and violent, a man was raised in the South under the bigotry and prejudice of that day. His mother and father had been killed by whites. He lived with his grandmother and with his more
Contributed by Keith Broyles on Oct 4, 2007
based on 4 ratings
I read a story this past week about a woman who, in early December had stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few things on her lunch break. One of them was a cinnamon-scented air freshener. She had smelled a candle with the same scent in the store but wanted to know exactly what the air more
Contributed by Tony Abram on Nov 9, 2007
I am amazed by what people will believe. I read this recently, the following headlines were observed:
* Dinosaurs Honked Like Buicks
* Cow Mattresses Help Cows Produce More Milk
* Mother To Be On Diet Of Only Chicken, Lays Huge Egg
* WWII Bomber Found On The Moon
* Woman Gives Birth To 2 more
Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Dec 19, 2007
based on 1 rating
In the Bible we read this: “Let us thank God for his priceless gift” (2 Cor 9:15).
Imagine for a moment being invited to a really special birthday party. Perhaps it’s your Head teacher’s birthday, but we won’t ask him how many years he will be celebrating for his next birthday, will we! Or perhaps more
Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Dec 31, 2007
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How would the Bible read, I wonder, if faith were left out. Imagine Heb 11 w/o faith:
Without Faith, Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, didn’t even gather the materials to build an ark because a worldwide flood was such an impossibility.
Without faith, Abraham, didn’t leave his home more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Jim Kane on Jan 7, 2008
Now if you are like me, you have found reading through Leviticus and other front-end Old Testament books to be a bit tedious with all of those laws. Let me give you a big picture view of all those laws: They describe the more
Church Of God
Contributed by Todd Pugh on Jan 14, 2008
We read about murder and our reaction is, “Oh, of course murder is bad.” We live in a very civilized nation. We have all kinds of social edicts driving us. We learn not to say certain things. We learn not to do certain things that would offend each. But we are one of the most murderous more
Contributed by Andy Beech on Mar 29, 2008
Some time ago I was reading Michael Green’s book -’Evangelism in the Local Church’, and one phrase he used has really struck home with me. He said that:
’We have two ears and only one mouth - so why don’t we get our prayers into the same ratio - twice as more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 2, 2008
I read the true story once about a woman who was babysitting for the 2 year old son of her preacher. The boy was sleeping in her home one night while the preacher and his wife were out of town and the boy woke up at 4:30 a.m. crying for his daddy.
“I didn’t know what to do until I remembered my more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 8, 2008
I read the true story once about a woman who was babysitting for the 2 year old son of her preacher. The boy was sleeping in her home one night while the preacher and his wife were out of town and the boy woke up at 4:30 a.m. crying for his daddy.
“I didn’t know what to do until I remembered my more