"Jesus has gone before us. In the words of John 13:1, He has made the crossing from this world toward the father and summons us to come after Him. We will do this definitively when, at the hour of our death, we will have to summon up whatever resources we have in order to cast ourselves into the
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Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 12, 2007
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"We are much more affected by the words which we hear, for though what you read in books may be more pointed, yet there is something in the voice, the look, the carriage, and even the
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Contributed by Tony Abram on Mar 7, 2007
God wants to spread His Word through us to the World. He wants to use the whole man, spirit, soul and body.
In 1936 a radio broadcast was transmitted to America from England. Just before the voice of King Edward VIII was to be heard, someone stumbled over a wire in the control room of WJZ (now
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In other words, over the past half-century we have gained a lot of knowledge about human beings and human community, but the secular world has not listened to the Church’s words, to the Incarnate Word, and their actions have been like the madman who thinks he can make a slow watch run better by
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