Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 7, 2006
based on 1 rating
I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature; and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping, and, like the grave, cries, “Give, give!” The great fish swallow up the small; and he who is most strenuous for the rights of the people, when vested with power, is as more
Contributed by Steven Cannon on Jan 16, 2007
based on 1 rating
Heb 5:7 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.
Heb 5:8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered
Heb 5:9 and, more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by David Heflin on Feb 13, 2007
Spiritual Lasik
I have heard people talk about how LASIK dramatically changed the way they saw everything. They could see with greater focus and vividness, in a way they never imagined. Lasik harnesses the power of light in the form of a laser. It is heat that cuts into the retina to correct the more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Thomas Cash on Apr 13, 2009
Years ago Bonnie Chamberlain wrote a story in the Saturday Review that told of an artist who was once commissioned to paint in a Sicilian cathedral a mural depicting the life of Jesus. The painter accepted this task and made it his life’s work. He began by searching for people to be his models for more
Christian/Church Of Christ
I purchased this doll a few years back when I visited in Russia. It’s called a Matryoshka doll (Russian Nesting doll). (taking dolls apart) If you’re familiar with these dolls, you know that you open up one and there’s another inside … and so on and so on.
This continues until you get to the more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Alan Tison on Feb 27, 2008
based on 1 rating
To have strong relationships in the body of Christ we must deal with our brokenness.
How do we deal with brokenness?
Individually – Realize we are all broken people.
In many stores you find merchandise in a certain section marked with a 2 word phrase. This 2 word phrase is a is a tip off about more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Don Walker on Dec 21, 2000
based on 117 ratings
Listen to this song of praise about the incarnation written by Graham Kendrick:
Meekness and majesty, human and deity, in
perfect harmony the one who is God.
Lord of eternity dwells in humanity, kneels in
humility and washes our feet.
Wisdom unsearchable, God the invisible, love
indestructible more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 6, 2002
based on 9 ratings
In evangelical individualism people think of their personal relationship with God in isolation (“Just me and Jesus”) and forge their destiny apart from any church authority. While holding relatively low opinions of history, traditions, and the church, they turn to the experiences of self and more
Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Jan 12, 2004
based on 14 ratings
Mary was far from home, far from her family, and far from what she expected that first birth to be. But the whole setting for the child’s birth was apart of an elaborate plan to provide access for lost humanity into God’s family. Why did God experience such a humble birth?
He became poor so we more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 20, 2005
based on 1 rating
Francois Fenelon, a 17th century French mystic who wrote the classic Christian Perfection, spoke eloquently of the denial of death: “We consider ourselves immortal, or at least as though [we are] going to live for centuries. Folly of the human spirit! Every day those who die soon follow those who more
Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Dec 18, 2006
There’s an incredible market today in counseling. Many people even seek out astrologers and psychics for counsel and advice. Listen to this counsel: Jesus Christ is the wisest man alive. He is the Perfect Counselor Who has all the right answers all the time. What’s more, He gives free advice. more
Contributed by Roger Nelmes on Jan 29, 2008
In October of 1991, the "Andrea Gail" left Gloucester, Mass. and headed for the fishing grounds of the North Atlantic. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history. A storm stronger than any in recorded history hit the coast off of Gloucester, Massachusetts. more
Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jun 9, 2008
"So far we have seen that God is a real being who is perfect, necessary and unlimited, but nothing has been said about the fundamental nature of that being. Invoking the language of substances, we note that things that exist independent of mind are made of one of two types of substance (or of more
Contributed by Michael West on Oct 2, 2008
Jesus Never Apologized
Ever noticed when reading the words of Jesus, He never apologized? His ways are higher. His ways are best and just because someone else doesn’t understand, doesn’t mean you apologize for what was said. Jesus didn’t go, Sorry guys, I misspoke Myself yesterday when I said what more
Jesus willingly put aside His divine glory and became the lowest of humans, a poor carpenter from a backwater town in Galilee. He suffered and because he obediently suffered the death of a slave, he was crowned with glory and honor. The idea was to bring many of God’s children to the same glory, more
Contributed by Charles Wallis on Dec 28, 2012
Television executives tried to reject The Charlie Brown Christmas story because it has the true story of Christmas. Charlie Brown has picked out an ugly tree, everyone laughs at him including Snoopy, and he screams out for someone to tell him the real meaning of Christmas. Linus begins to recite more