Bible Marketing Plan
An Anglican priest, Roman Catholic priest and Pentecostal minister went on a marketing course selling Bibles in Nottingham to supplement their incomes.
Before going on the course, they were asked to go around the week before and see how many Bibles they could sell.
The more
Contributed by Bud Rose on Nov 26, 2005
based on 7 ratings
A. W. Tozer said, “God dwells in a state of perpetual enthusiasm. He is delighted with all that is good and lovingly concerned about all that is wrong. He pursues His labors always in a fullness of holy zeal. No wonder the Spirit came at Pentecost as a sound of a rushing mighty wind and sat in more
Contributed by Bill Prater on Jan 3, 2001
based on 130 ratings
‘Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house, nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I’d nibbled, the fudge I did taste, all the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
100 Years Old The April 1906 Azusa Street revivals in Los Angeles are considered the birth the modern Pentecostal movement. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, adherents to Charismatic faiths now number more more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 16, 2007
100 Years Old The April 1906 Azusa Street revivals in Los Angeles are considered the birth the modern Pentecostal movement. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, adherents to Charismatic faiths now number more more