Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 3, 2008
-This past week I watched part of an interview with a medical expert about this bird flu that is spreading around our world. The govt. has already suggested that people should stock a couple of month’s supply of such things as canned tuna and powdered milk. This is not to throw anybody into a more
Assembly Of God
based on 1 rating
Just this past week one of the little guys in our church’s Friendship Company preschool program broke into song as he was doing some artwork---He sang, “Jesus loves me this I know---for the Bible tells me no.” What is it they say? From the mouths of babes??? Now while that little guy didn’t sing more
Christian/Church Of Christ
This past week my oldest daughter came in for Easter break from college in Tennessee. After their mother spent nine hours in a van with our girls I thought she might like a little time alone. So I took our girls to see the movie . . . “Horton Hears a Who.” GREAT DR. SUESS MOVIE! Horton is an more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 8, 2008
Robert Murray McCheyne, a preacher of years past once said, “My people’s greatest need is my personal holiness.” My friends, what the world needs today is to see Christians living out what they claim to believe. Don’t wound or disable yourself more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 10, 2008
W. B. Hinson, a great preacher of a past generation, spoke from his own experience just before he died, and he said, “I remember a year ago when a doctor told me, ‘You have an illness from which you won’t recover.’ I walked out to where I live 5 miles from Portland, Oregon, and I looked across at more
Anna Nicole Smith dominated the news the past few months. In her life we saw the very dramatic and pitiable effects of humanistic philosophy hyped and worked-out once again by Hollywood. Anna Nicole wanted two things in life – to more
United Methodist
Contributed by Charles Newman on Mar 14, 2009
While at McDonalds this past week I saw a grandmother almost in tears of frustration as she tried to strap her toddler granddaughter into a car seat. They couldn’t leave to go to their next destination until the little girl was safe and secure in the car seat. The little child kicked and screamed more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
based on 1 rating
In past wars couriers were commonly used to carry communications back and forth from headquarters to the front lines. A military courier bringing a detachment to the field of battle from headquarters may have absolutely no idea what is contained in the sealed envelope he carries.
It is his duty to more
Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
Robert Murray McCheyne, a preacher of years past once said, “My people’s greatest more
Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on May 10, 2002
based on 64 ratings
“I Needed my past” - Keith Miller – “Habitations of Dragons”
I’ll never forget Alice’s face. We were in a small group of adults, and were getting acquainted by going around the room, each of us telling something about our childhood. One older lady had had a good many disappointments and seemed more
Christian Church
This past week I sat by a hospital bed of a man who more than likely will never come home. I walked into the room, and it’s hard to explain the emotions going on in there. I started to initiate some small talk; we talked about his family, his home, and then his condition. I then told him that more
Contributed by Mark Connelly on Jul 31, 2003
based on 7 ratings
This past week I was getting my oil changed and I had a chance to present the gospel to the guy in the waiting room with me. For me, waiting rooms are the best places for evangelism because the people are sitting there with nothing to do. The oil change waiting room has been particularly fruitful more
Contributed by Dennis Rhoads on Sep 23, 2003
based on 2 ratings
This past week I read an article about a movie that was released several years ago. It was called, “The Sixth Sense”. The movie was about a young boy, who when he looked at people, could see who was going to die within a short period of time. He kept telling Bruce Willis, the co-star, “I see more