Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 11, 2025
From just before the time of Christ (when Jesus was a child, Hillel was still alive).
"He [Hillel] would stand at the gate of Jerusalem and meet people going to work. He questioned them, "How much will you make at work today?" One person would answer, "A denarius." Another more
Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on May 13, 2010
One of my all-time favorite TV shows is All In the Family. I really love the way that Edith would go into these elaborate stories to try and explain a situation to Archie, and Archie more
Contributed by Peter Loughman on Feb 9, 2010
PUREST MOST AVERAGE things in life are the best.
In high school I had the opportunity to spend a week on a working dairy farm with a couple other high school kids from my church. Though it was a family operation it was a big dairy farm. The farm milked cows 24 hours a day. They had so many cows, more
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 28, 2010
Mercy is a fascinating thing. Let's try to understand it better.
I want you to remember a time when a friend or someone close to you avoided you, shrugged you off for some reason. Now imagine that person being in all kinds of trouble or having a lot of problems because of a bad choice that included more
Salvation Army