based on 8 ratings
The only kind of Jesus we have ever seen with our own eyes is a man playing the role. A few of our men have portrayed the suffering Jesus in our Easter presentation. They did a wonderful job, but they were only playing the part; the blood was stage makeup, and the nails were not really piercing more
United Methodist
Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 22, 2004
based on 58 ratings
“Jesus did not say discuss me; he said follow me.” We do not make terms with Christ; we surrender to Christ. We do not compromise with Christ; we submit to Christ. Christianity does not mean being interested in Jesus Christ; it means taking the same oath as princes take to a king or queen in a more
Contributed by John Stevenson on Dec 26, 2004
When we first came to Jesus, we might not have understood just how big He is. We came to see a winsome Galilean rabbi, but we found that He is so much more.
C.S. Lewis makes this point in his Chronicles of Narnia when Lucy returns to the magic land and sees Aslan, the Christ figure.
"Aslan," said more
Evangelical Free
Contributed by Stephen Evoy on Jan 4, 2008
It’s one thing to talk to our kids about Jesus; it’s another thing to talk like Jesus in front of our kids. The fact of the matter is: our kids might stop more
Free Methodist
Contributed by Andrew Hill on Feb 10, 2008
When you put your faith in Jesus Christ His righteousness or perfection becomes yours. Let me give you an example of how this works in every day life. The super bowl was just played last Sunday. The Patriots played the Giants. Many of the fans went to the game wearing shirts and hats that had the more
Contributed by David Ward on May 25, 2008
Pilots run out of fuel, pray, land near Jesus sign
Posted: May. 21, 2008
WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND — It seemed like an almost literal answer to their prayers. When two New Zealand pilots ran out of fuel in a microlight airplane they offered prayers and were able to make an emergency landing in a more
Jesus compared two builders, one "a wise man," the other "a foolish man." Both these men built houses. One house endured the storm; the other house did not. And the emphasis that we must not overlook is this: that the storm pressed upon the wise man's house as fiercely as it did upon the house more
Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Aug 3, 2008
based on 1 rating
Jesus said in John 13: 35, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” A great New Testament example of this being done is in the early church. As Jews began to put their faith in Christ as the Messiah, they began to feel the effects of hostility toward them. They more
Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Aug 17, 2008
In John 6:40 Jesus says, “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
But wait a minute, there is something within every person that prevents us from looking to Jesus. It is the belief that we’re more
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Mar 28, 2010
Jesus’ mission we're told in Luke 19:10 is to “Seek and save what was lost.” Lost doesn’t mean “damned or doomed,” says William Barclay. In the New Testament it simply means to save people in the wrong place. Barclay continues that “a thing is lost when it has got out of its own place into the more
Salvation Army