Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 14, 2007
Home Ownership Nearly 70% of Americans own their homes, a record high, but the rate of homeownership for working families with children is lower than in ’78. The surprising trend is being driven by: soaring housing costs that have overshot wage increases, higher health care bills, and a more
Contributed by Jim Kane on Apr 7, 2008
Have you ever been shown mercy? Does a teacher come to mind? How about a time when your parent or parents were compassionate and showed mercy?
I remember 9th grade geometry and how I struggled through that class and got a D- for the more
Church Of God
Contributed by Charles Wallis on Jan 22, 2009
Steve Watt: Forgiving the Dangerous Fugitive
Wyoming state trooper Steve Watt was shot during a traffic stop and left to die. For years, he struggled with hatred toward his shooter, Mark Farnham. But Steve took the risk, and now Steve and Mark are friends. more
Contributed by Paul Wallace on Oct 28, 2008
Ron R. was discussing the fragility of many marriages with his girlfriend and posed the following question, “What if you wake up one morning and don’t love me anymore?”
She immediately responded, “There’s always obedience.”
Not obedience to her husband, but obedience to God’s more
Contributed by Sermon Central on May 5, 2004
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Maggie Gallagher is President of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy and a co-author of The Case for Marriage.
As an early-forties mom, she is beginning to regret the children that she never had. She always wanted four, but career and life left her with two. more
Contributed by Steve Greene on Nov 11, 2007
based on 1 rating
The following poem by Ruth Harmes Catkins portrays the pain a troubled marriage can cause. It’s called "He Said...She Said":
"Another marriage is shattered, Lord, the divorce will be final next week.
He said it was the breakdown of communication and the subtle infiltration of boredom. She more
Contributed by Donny Granberry on Aug 13, 2008
Little 4 year old Johnny was caught by his mother with his hand in the cookie jar when she asked him, “Johnny, why can’t you just be good?”
He replied, “Oh, Mom, it makes me tired to be good.”
If there is one area where all people struggle it is in more
Assembly Of God
Contributed by Ruth Hind on Oct 11, 2008
"In reality there is perhaps no one of our natural Passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself...For even if I could conceive more
Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Apr 9, 2008
Among Christian adults 64% believe male/female cohabitation outside of marriage is acceptable.
55% of Christian adults believe a good person can earn his or her salvation. 44% believe Jesus Christ committed sins while on earth.
91% of students from evangelical churches do not believe in absolute more
Contributed by Rick Pendleton on May 23, 2008
When the explorer, Cortez, landed in Mexico with his 500 men, he did a wise thing; he burned the ships. His men realized that they must be committed to staying and to succeeding here because there was no turning back.
Families have to have that type of commitment… no holding back, no more
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Nov 16, 2009
When the Kimberly-Clark corporations sent observers to watch parents and toddlers use their diapers, they asked questions, listened to the parents, and noted the struggles that many toddlers and parents were having. They sent the info back to the research and development department and they came up more
Church Of God
Contributed by Mark Eberly on Mar 25, 2008
If you read Billy Grahams autobiography Just As I Am, one of Grahams greatest continuing struggles was how to minister to political figures without become too closely identified with their agenda. Likewise, because our faith is political and makes judgments on political concerns, we must be careful more
Church Of God
Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 9, 2004
based on 5 ratings
Whereas “belief” suggests bare opinion, “faith,” whether in a car, a …medicine, a protégé, a doctor, a marriage partner, or what have you, is a matter of treating the person or thing as trustworthy and committing yourself accordingly. The same is true of faith in God, and in a far-reaching way. more
Contributed by Thomas Cash on Jan 13, 2005
In The Effects of Divorce on America by Patrick F. Fagan and Robert Rector, we are told that American society may have erased the stigma that once accompanied divorce, but it can no longer ignore its massive effects. As social scientists track successive generations of American children whose more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2006
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Divorce used to be taboo in Asia, but no longer. In the last 20 years in China divorce rates have doubled. Divorce rates in South Korea rival those in Britain and Denmark. India’s divorce rate has increased in the last 10 years to 11 per 1,000 marriages. In Japan, there is a divorce more