Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 11, 2007
based on 4 ratings
"A nation is made great not by its acres, but by the men who cultivate them; not by its great forests, but by the men who use them. America was a great land when more
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 6, 2004
A survey was made of 4000 laymen in 114 evangelical churches across the U.S. They were asked, "Do you feel the preaching on Sunday relates to what’s going on in your life?" Over 83% saw virtually no connection between what they heard on Sunday morning and what they more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 1, 2002
based on 7 ratings
Several years ago, I was sitting in my office with my door open. A lady waling down the hall said, “Have you got a minute?”
“Sure, come in.”
She sat down and said, Dr. Chapman, I’ve got a problem. I can’t get my husband to paint out bedroom. I have been after him for nine months. I’ve more
Contributed by John Young on Nov 23, 2004
based on 3 ratings
One Sunday morning, while sitting next to her first grade daughter in church, Susan Wright noticed the little one looking at the open Bible in her lap. In a low whisper, she asked, "Did God really write that?" Susan quietly whispered back, "Yes He did." Looking down at her more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 1, 2001
based on 126 ratings
We’re like the little boy who was sitting in church one day. The preacher was going on and on about how great heaven would be. He talked about the streets of gold and the angels and about seeing God face to face. He concluded his message by asking the members of the congregation to raise their more
Contributed by Mike Richardson on May 16, 2001
based on 450 ratings
A preacher saw a man who looked homeless sitting on a park bench and seemed to be in deep distress so he passed by him, handed him a $20 bill and whispered to him, “Never Despair”. The next day the preacher saw the man coming toward him hurriedly and gave him $60. The preacher asked what that was more
Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
Now it’s mighty easy to sit in our churches and talk about what needs to be done. It’s mighty easy to talk about how the Gospel needs to be shared, but who will do it if not you and I, and who better than you?
Ask Carl Froling. Several years ago, shortly after she started attending the church, more