Contributed by Deborah Guptill on Jun 11, 2007
Picking up the large bails of hay and carrying them to the horse pasture was not the easiest job. I could only carry one bail at a time, my friends who worked at the barn however were able to carry one in each hand and then toss them with ease once in the pasture. I would struggle under the weight more
Ill. I grew up in Indiana and there were a lot of tornados that went through our farm. I remember one in particular where all eight of us kids and my mother and father huddled in the basement waiting for one to pass. My oldest brother remembered something that needed to be tied down or something more
Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
Going to Memphis to see Gladys, or to pick up Gladys each weekend to bring her back up to Ridgely. It was a long trip. 200 miles round trip. I didn’t lament that. I didn’t regret that. I didn’t complain. Why, because I got to spend time with my honey. I got to spend time with the love of my more
based on 3 ratings
Offer up Your Gift - Antonio Stradivarius
A young boy Antonio loves music, but his voice was high and squeaky, and so he did not make the tryouts for the Cremona Boy’s Choir. When he took violin lessons, the neighbours persuaded his parents to make him stop. Yet Antonio still wanted to make more
Contributed by West Garner on Aug 31, 2007
based on 2 ratings
Some of us grew up with an extra kid in the house. We didn’t know it but he was there at certain times. His name was “Not Me.” He always appeared when something happened. Like when your mom asked, “Who got this play dough in the carpet?” (NOT ME) “Who colored on the walls in the bedroom?” (NOT more
Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Sep 25, 2007
based on 2 ratings
I feel nudged up into sharing this experience. Usually, life brings with it its mysteries where at times you enjoy the Lord’s abundant provision while on other occasions you enjoy lack! In this particular day, we had no electricity in the house and there was no kerosene to light up the kerosene more
If we set ourselves up as the Judge of who is and is not righteous, we’ll get it wrong as often as we’ll get it right.
Through the years I’ve had numerous occasions when folks warned me to watch out for other people in a church. The amazing thing is that --- in almost every case --- the people I more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by John Dobbs on Oct 16, 2007
A little city in Mexico was fed up with all of the late night revelry and noise from thousands of people late into the night during the summer. So their answer was to create a law to put a decibel limit on urban noise levels. Unfortunately this disrupted a noise that has been heard in that city for more
Christian/Church Of Christ
He dressed up as a homeless man and went to the businesses and bank where he was a regular customer
What happened made him upset….
in every instance the service was bad in some cases appalling.
He said, “I was treated as if I was worthless”
So he withdrew his money from the bank and stopped being more
Frederick Douglass who grew up as a slave in Maryland in the early nineteenth century and experienced slavery’s every brutality. He was taken from his mother when he was only an infant. For years as a child, all he had to eat was runny corn meal dumped in a trough that kids fought to scoop out with more