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  • Rick Warren In The Purpose Driven Life Wrote, ...

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Apr 6, 2007

    Rick Warren in the purpose driven life wrote, “It’s not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and more

  • The Great Anglican Bishop, J. C. Ryle, Said Of ...

    Contributed by Robert Walter on Dec 24, 2004
    based on 1 rating

    The great Anglican Bishop, J. C. Ryle, said of these first seekers of truth (the Magi), “We read of no greater faith than this in all the Bible. It is a faith that deserves to be placed side by side with that of the penitent thief. The thief saw one dying the death of a malefactor and yet prayed to more

  • Moving And Friendships

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Aug 27, 2009

    MOVING AND FRIENDSHIPS We live in a society where people, especially young adults, move so often they don’t have time to develop deep friendships. My mom and step father lived in the place where I grew up for about 25 years. During that 25 years, I moved more

  • Family—the Bottom Line Of Life

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Oct 22, 2009

    Family--The Bottom Line of Life Chuck Swindoll said of the family, "Whatever else may be said about the home, it is the bottom line of life, the anvil upon which attitudes and convictions are hammered out. It is the place where life’s bills come due, the single most influential force in our more

  • Attitude Pattern: Jonah

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Nov 7, 2009

    ATTITUDE PATTERN: JONAH The pattern of attitude toward God: We bailed when God says go. A storm brews. Our shipmates are scared. We admit it’s our fault. We are thrown from the boat. We sink. Something big swallows us. We repent. We pray more

  • While The Liturgy Daily Builds Up Those Who Are ...

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 3, 2010

    While the Liturgy daily builds up those who are within into a Holy Temple of the Lord, into a dwelling place for God in the Spirit, to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ, at the same time it marvelously strengthens [our] power to preach Christ, and thus shows forth the Church to those who more

  • Abraham Kuyper: "Among The Divine Works Of Art ...

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 13, 2012

    Abraham Kuyper: "Among the divine works of art produced by the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Scripture stands first. It may seem incredible that the printed pages of a book should excel His spiritual work in human hearts, yet we assign to the Sacred Scripture the most conspicuous place without more

  • The Chinese Character For "Righteousness" Is ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    The Chinese character for "righteousness" is most interesting. It is composed of two separate characters one standing for a lamb, the other for me. When "lamb" is placed directly above "me," a new character "righteousness" is formed. This is a helpful picture of the grace of God. Between me, the more

  • Growing Up My Father Always Read The Bible ...

    Contributed by Steven Wunderink on Jul 3, 2007

    Ill. Growing up my father always read the Bible after EVERY meal. Each week he would open the Bible to the place marked where he left off until he came to about halfway through Exodus. Then he would say ¡§A bunch of laws and how to build things¡¨ and then he would pick it up more

  • Just Imagine You'd Spent Days And Days Doing A ...

    Contributed by Joanna Beveridge on Sep 24, 2007

    Just imagine you’d spent days and days doing a 1000 piece jigsaw and just when you thought you would finally finish it, you found there was a piece missing. How would you feel? It wouldn’t matter that 999 pieces were perfectly in place, you’d still notice the piece that was more

  • Life

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Nov 2, 2007

    Illustration: Life Augustus boasted that he found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble. Perhaps we cannot feel that we will leave the world much different than we found it, but each of us has had some influence, affected some life, and in some way can leave the world a better more

  • George Barna Is A Christian Pollster. He Took A ...

    Contributed by Matthew Sullivan on Feb 18, 2008

    George Barna is a Christian pollster. He took a survey in which he found only 44% of people who claimed to be Christians believe in absolute truth. The survey also showed that only 9% of teens who claimed to be Christians believe in absolute truth. We have a culture that believes there is no more

  • The Last Invitation

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Feb 14, 2009

    THE LAST INVITATION While pastoring at the FBC of Cherryville, North Carolina, a disturbance was observed, and shortly afterward a man was taken from the balcony of the church [and placed] in an ambulance. He was dead before they got him to the hospital. He died before the invitation could be more

  • Not For Words Alone!" Ephesians 2: 8-10 Key ...  PRO

    Contributed by Mark Brunner on Nov 24, 2004
    based on 12 ratings

    “Not for Words Alone!” Ephesians 2: 8-10 Key verse(s): 8a: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God . . . ” Did you ever receive a gift, a gift so unexpected and so exciting that you just couldn’t contain the level of your more

  • Video Illustration: Narnia Movie ...

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 13, 2010

    Video Illustration: Narnia movie clip “The Wardrobe.” The following from Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny. Based on the beloved classic novel by ‘CS Lewis’, Four London children are sent to a professor’s country home in order more

  • Would You Hire Him?

    Contributed by Sermon Central on May 2, 2011

    WOULD YOU HIRE HIM? A certain church found itself suddenly without a pastor, and a search committee was formed. In due course it received a letter from a man applying for the vacant position. The committee chairman read: "I am considered to be a good preacher, and I have been a leader in most of more

  • Sometimes We Need A Steward

    Contributed by Francis Balla on Nov 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    SOMETIMES WE NEED A STEWARD If you ever get to Venice, one of the places to see is Saint Mark's Square, the spot Napoleon called "the drawing room of Europe." But if you go there, make sure your belly is covered up. It’s not that there's exactly a dress code, but there is an expectation of more

  • I Want To Tell You A Story About Paul Morphy ...  PRO

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    • I want to tell you a story about Paul Morphy was the world’s champion chess player in the 19th century. One day he was invited by a friend to look at a valuable painting titled, “the chess player.” in the painting, Satan was represented as playing chess with a young man, the stake being the young more

  • Myron

    Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Sep 11, 2008

    Myron Do you need encouragement on a smaller scale for a person with lesser abilities? Kenneth Dodge, San Leandro, California: In a small town in the Midwest where I spent six years of my early youth, there lived a mentally retarded adult named Myron. It was during depression years and there was more

  • I Go Home, Daddy

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Dec 22, 2008

    "I Go Home, Daddy." Christ offers the lasting hope and promise of a new and lasting home. My three-year-old son Sebastian is a wonderful little boy. My children’s antics and lives provide me with a wealth of sermon illustrations and stories. Not long ago, Sebastian had to go through some more

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